Rare & unique items, Collections, the Divrei Chaim and his family, Rabbi Akiva Eiger, Chassidut, Slavuta and Zhitomir, glosses of the great sages of the generation, Early Seforim.
LOT 1: Collection of 6 Antique Seforim, Venice & Prague Imprints, 1545-1612. . Important collection of six early printed Seforim. 1. Sefer Lev Ha’aryeh. Recommendations and exercises for memorization, “with 613 commandments based on the Rambam… to be studied in accordance with the recommendations” ...
LOT 2: Collection of 5 Antique Seforim, Italian Imprints, 1558-1626. Signature of the Gaon Rabbi David Falkon. . An important collection of five antique seforim in mostly good condition. 1. Sefer Mikra'ei Kodesh - Part I on the mitzvahs of reverence and love, and their roots; Part II on the ...
LOT 3: Large & Diverse Collection of Antique Seforim, 1571-1861. Important Signatures & Handstamps. . 1. A Rare Sefer Yesod: Ha'Agudah – First Edition, Kraków, 1571. Sefer Ha'Agudah is a foundational halachic work by Rabbi Alexander Suslin Kohen ("Maharach") of Frankfurt, one of the early rabbinic ...
LOT 4: Large Collection of Antique Seforim In Elegant Leather Bindings. 1674–1839. Signatures. Half of Them First Editions. . 1. Sefer Amudeiha Shiva. A collection of sermons on Tanach by Rabbi Bezalel, a Maggid in the holy community of Slutsk in Lithuania. Prague, 1674. Printed by the Sons of Judah ...
LOT 5: Large Collection of Antique Seforim, 1692–1834. Signatures & Stamps of Rabbis. Most are First & Only Editions. . 1. Sefer She’elot uTeshuvot by Rabbi Shmuel ben Rabbi David Moshe HaLevi. On the title page: the second part of the book Nachalat Shiva called Teshuvat She’elot—this is the first ...
LOT 6: Large & Diverse Collection of Antique Seforim, 1640–1835. Signatures & Inscriptions. Half are First Editions. . 1. Sefer Yalkut Reuveni (HaGadol) on the Torah. A compilation of Kabbalistic texts by the Kabbalist Rabbi [Avraham] Reuven ben Yehoshua Ha’ashkenazi Katz of Prague. Amsterdam, 1640 ...
LOT 7: Large & Important Collection of Antique Seforim, 1704–1867. Mostly First Editions. Signatures. . 1. Sefer Semikhat Chachamim. Part One: Birkhat Hashem – "Introduction to Semikhat Chachamim". Part Two: Kedusha U'Beracha – Insights on Tractate Berachot. By the renowned Kabbalist Rabbi Naphtali ...
LOT 8: Diverse Collection of Antique Seforim in Elegant Leather Bindings, 1705–1837. Important Signatures. First or Only Editions. . 1. Sefer Divrei Zikaron, A Path of Life with Ethical Reproof, To Inspire the Upright Through Wise Words, Simplifications, and Teachings. By Rabbi Yosef Stathagen, Av ...
LOT 9: A Significant Collection of Rare Antique Seforim, 1711–1837. In Elegant Leather Bindings. . 1. Sefer She'elot U'Teshuvot. Authored by the renowned and illustrious Rabbi Moshe Isserles (Rema) of Krakow. Hanau, 1711. [With approbations dated 1711 and a colophon stating its completion on the ...
LOT 10: Large & Diverse Collection of Antique & Important Seforim, 1712–1848. Signatures & Inscriptions. Some First & Only Editions. . 1. Sefer Igeret Shmuel. Commentary on the Book of Ruth, including Rashi's commentary and insights by Rabbi Shmuel di Uceda. Amsterdam, 1712. Second Edition ...
LOT 11: Collection of Rare Antique Seforim, 1719–1787. Signatures. Some are First Editions. . 1. Sefer Tikkunei HaZohar on the Torah, Amsterdam, 1719. Printed by Shlomo ben Yosef Proops. Antique rabbinic signature. 2. Sefer Chavatzelet HaSharon by the Holy Alshich. Wandsbek, 1727. This edition ...
LOT 12: A large and diverse collection of antique seforim with signatures and stamps from prominent Rabbis & Rebbes. 1753–1926. . 1. Kabbalah: Sefer Et HaZamir – A collection of mystical prayers and liturgical poems by the kabbalist Rabbi Binyamin HaKohen (HaRavach; teacher of the Ramchal). Mantua ...
LOT 13: Collection of 7 Antique Seforim Printed in Livorno, 1762–1881. Leather Bindings. . 1. Sefer Toldot Yitzchak – Novellae on the Talmud, Rashi, and Tosafot on various tractates of the Talmud. Written by Rabbi Yitzchak Haddad, one of the great sages of Djerba in the 17th century. First Edition – ...
LOT 14: Large Collection of Antique Rare Seforim, 1763–1894. Signatures, Dedications, and Important Marginalia. First & Only Editions. . 1. Sefer Pri HaAdama, Part One – Novellae on Maimonides. By the renowned Rabbi Raphael Meyuhas Bachar Shmuel, the first "Rishon LeZion" (Sephardic Chief Rabbi), and ...
LOT 15: Collection of Prayer Books Printed in Livorno, 1790–1881. Signatures and Dedications. . 1. Sefer Derech Chaim – Includes the order for annulment of vows and curses, annulment of excommunication, prayers for Rosh Hashanah, Tashlich, supplications for fasting, the sounding of the shofar, Musaf ...
LOT 16: Very large collection of antique seforim, 1791–1919, including seforim by the Gaon of Vilna, Chassidic works, and polemics— signatures of rabbis from the Frenkel-Teomim family, along with other signatures, dedications, and stamps. . . Please study the pictures well & see Hebrew description ...
LOT 17: Large Collection of Rare Seforim, 1822–1934. . 1. Sefer Alfei Menashe – By Rabbi Menashe of Ilya, a well known disciple of the Vilna Gaon – Vilna, 1822 – First edition. Incomplete copy. 2. Torah, Prophets, and Writings Translated into German and Commented on by Moses Mendelssohn – Published ...
LOT 19: Large Collection of 25 Antique Seforim in Elegant Leather Bindings. 1843-1931. Signatures, Marginalia & Stamps. . . Please study the pictures well & see Hebrew description for a detailed listing.
LOT 20: Large Collection of Antique Seforim in Elegant Leather Bindings, 1850-1936. . . Please study the photos well & see Hebrew description for full listing.
LOT 21: Very Large Collection of 28 Antique Seforim, 1850-1940. Signatures & Stamps. . Please study the pictures well & see Hebrew description for a full listing.
LOT 22: Collection of Antique & Rare Seforim, Jerusalem Imprints, 1865–1904. Elegant Leather Bindings. . 1. Sefer Toldot Yaakov. On Tractate Beitzah, by Rabbi Yaakov Castro – the Maharikash. Jerusalem, 1865. Printed by Rabbi Israel Bak. S. Halevi, no. 118. 2. Sefer Zevchei Shlamim. By the holy ...
LOT 23: Large collection of 16 rare Seforim & prayer books, Jerusalem Imprints, 1870-1929. Copy of Rebbi Aharon Roth, author of Shomer Emunim. First & Only Editions. . 1. Sefer Chibat Yerushalayim – Geography and history of the cities of the Holy Land, holy sites, and graves of righteous figures, by ...
LOT 24: Collection of Kabbalah Seforim: Sefer HaTemunah- Shoshan Sodot and Ma’ayan HaChochma, Koretz 1784. . 1. Sefer HaTemunah, an ancient Kabbalistic text on the mystical secrets of the shapes of the Hebrew letters, "attributed to Rabbi Nehunya ben HaKanah and Rabbi Yishmael, the High Priest, with ...
LOT 25: Large & highly important collection of Chassidish Seforim & Haggadot, 1792–1928. Mostly First Editions. . 1. Sefer Meir Netivim, Part II – Polonne, 1792. First edition. Responsa, novellae on the Talmud, and homilies on the Torah portions by Rabbi Meir Margoliot of Lviv and Ostroh. First ...
LOT 26: Collection of Rare Chasidic Seforim with Luxurious Leather Bindings, 1803–1889. . 1. Sefer Tiferet HaTzvi, Commentary on Tractate Beitza and Innovations on the Laws of Yoreh De'ah, By the holy Rabbi Uziel Meislish of Ryczywół, a disciple of the Maggid of Mezeritch. First Edition. Zolkiew ...
LOT 27: Large & Significant Collection of Rare Hasidic Seforim in Luxurious Leather Bindings, 1804–1909. . 1. Sefer Yereim – Zolkiew, 1804. Includes approbations from the Maggid of Kozhnitz and Rebbi Avraham Yehoshua Heshel of Apta. The list of pre-subscribers includes legendary tzaddikim, many of ...
LOT 28: Very large and Significant Collection of Kabbalistic and Chasidic Seforim with luxurious leather bindings. 1842–1938. Signatures. Largely First Editions. . 1. Sefer Avodat HaLevi, Volume 2 – Likutim. By the holy Rebbi Aharon Halevi Segal Horowitz of Strashale (R' Aharon of Strashale). First ...
LOT 29: Large Collection of Rare Chassidic Seforim, Biographies, Wills, and Eulogies. 1843-1940. Mostly First & Only Editions. . 1. Sefer Evel Moshe – “A Bitter Eulogy for the True Genius, Luminary of the Generation, Rabbi Moshe Sofer z”l, Av Beit Din of Pressburg, ” by Rabbi Shlomo Kluger. A eulogy ...
LOT 30: Collection of Chasidish Seforim – Autograph and Signature of the Holy Rebbi Yechiel Natan Halberstam, Ab''d Bardejov. 1857-1909. . 1. Heichal HaBerachah Chumash Shmot Komarno – Lviv, 1867 First Edition – Segulah Sefer, with a Blessing from the Author: "I am Confident that Anyone who Has Our ...
LOT 31: Very Large Collection of 32 Antique Chassidic Seforim, 1864-1942. Signatures & Stamps of renowned Rebbes & Rabbis. . Please study the pictures well & see Hebrew description for a full listing.
LOT 32: Collection of Very Rare Chassidic Seforim, 1872-1901. First & Only Editions, in Elegant Leather Bindings. . 1. Sefer Korban HaAni, on the Torah and Festivals in the Path of Chassidut, by Rabbi Yaakov Katina, Av Beit Din of Khust. First Edition. Lemberg, 1872. The title page does not mention ...
LOT 33: A Large Collection of Chassidic Seforim in Elegant Leather Bindings, 1880–1930. Half of Which Are First Editions. . 1. Sefer Adra D'Pirqa – Sermons and teachings on various topics by Rebbi Zvi Elimelech Shapira of Dynów. Lemberg, 1880. Stamp: Yaakov Shlomo, son of Rabbi Mordechai... ...
LOT 34: Large collection of 18 Seforim on the history of Hasidic tzaddikim, Elegant leather bindings, 1883–1941. . 1. Sefer Zikhron Chaim on the Torah, by the holy Rabbi Chaim, Av Beit Din of Kaminsk (1774–1864), a disciple of the Chozeh of Lublin and Rebbi Meir of Apta. First edition. Warsaw, 1883. ...
LOT 35: Large & Significant Collection of Chassidic Seforim in deluxe leather bindings, 1891–1942. Some are first editions. . 1. Sefer Birkat Chaim with moral instructions by Rebbi Menachem Nachum of Chernobyl, teachings by Rebbi Mordechai of Chernobyl, and guidance on holiness and purity by Rabbi ...
LOT 36: Large collection of Seforim on the history of Chassidic Tzaddikim, in elegant leather bindings, 1907–1932. First & Only Editions. . Please study the photos well & see Hebrew description for a full listing.
LOT 37: Sefer Chassidim – Polonnoye, 1792. With approbations from Rebbi Zusha of Anipoli and the Kedushat Levi of Berdichev. Extremely Rare! . This edition was printed with the approbations of the great leaders of Chassidut: The Holy Rebbi Levi Yitzchak of Berdichev, Rebbi Meshulam Zusil (Zusha) of ...
LOT 38: Chumash Bereshit & Shmot with Rashi's Commentary, Translations, and the Holy "Or HaChaim" Commentary. Slavuta, 1805. Extremely Rare! Approbation of the Kedushat Levi of Berditchev. . The Five Books of Moses, Parts I-II, Bereshit & Shmot, with Rashi's commentary, translations, and the holy ...
LOT 39: Shulchan Aruch Even HaEzer – Slavuta, 1822. A Copy in Excellent Condition on Green Paper – Rare. . Shulchan Aruch from the Tur, Even HaEzer, with the commentaries Ba’er Heitev and Ba’er HaGolah, as well as additional halachic rulings from Even HaOzer by Rabbi Binyamin Ozer, Av Beit Din of ...
LOT 40: Shulchan Aruch Orach Chaim – Slavuta, 1827. . Shulchan Aruch, Slavuta edition. Orach Chaim, the first, most significant, and widely used section of the four parts of the Shulchan Aruch, covering the complete cycle of Jewish life throughout the year. Includes the commentaries Ba’er Heitev, Eshlel ...
LOT 41: Hamagid-Tehilim. Slavuta, 1834. Signature of the holy Rabbi Moshe Betzalel Alter of Gur. . Sefer HaMaggid MiKesuvim including Tehillim. Slavuta, 1834, by the holy Rabbi Shmuel Avraham Shapira, son of the holy Rabbi Moshe, Av Beit Din of Slavuta, who was the son of the holy Rebbi Pinchas of ...
LOT 42: 2 Volumes of Hamagid Slavita edition of Neviim, 1834- Signatures of the Holy Rabbi Moshe Betzalel Alter of Gur. . Two parts of Neviim from Sefer Hamagid, with Peirush Rashi, Metzudos David and Metzudos Zion, and a Yidish translation. Volume IV – Ezekiel and the Twelve Minor Prophets. Volume ...
LOT 43: Unrecorded! Machzor for Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, Slavuta-Józefów, 1849. . Machzor for Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur according to the customs of Russia, Lithuania, Poland, and Moravia, with commentaries in Hebrew and Yiddish. " Printed in Yozefov, using the typefaces formerly used in ...
LOT 44: Regel Yeshara (Dinov) - First Edition, Lvov 1858- Copy of the Sanzer Rebbe of New York, Rebbi Menachem Binyamin Ben Zion Rottenberg Halberstam. . Sefer Regel Yeshara, a work on Kabbalistic concepts arranged alphabetically, authored by the renowned Chassidic master Rebbi Tzvi Elimelech Shapira ...
LOT 45: Bechinos Olam With the Commentary of the Tosafos Yom Tov, which He Authored as a Child - Zhitomir 1858. Sefer Bechinos Olam on mussar and philosophy by Rebbi Yedaya Hapnini, and a tefillah with every word beginning with the letter mem. With the commentary of Rav Yom Tov halevi Heller, the ...
LOT 46: Malachei Kodesh – Kabbalistic prayers with commentary by the Baal Shem Tov. Jerusalem, 1862. Rare! . Sefer Malachei Kodesh includes Shir HaYichud, liturgical poems and supplications, ethical admonitions, and the letter of Ramban. It also contains selected verses and an extensive commentary by ...
LOT 47: Machzor for Shalosh Regalim, Zhitomir, 1862. . Machzor for the Three Festivals, section two, per the customs of Reisen, Poland, Pihem and Mehrin, with commentary in "Lashon Hakodesh and Ashkenazi. Zhitomir, 1862. Printed by the grandsons of the Rav of Slavuta, Rav Chanina and Rav Yehoshua ...
LOT 48: Set Zohar Hakadosh, Shapira Press - Zhitomir, 1863. Approbation of the Holy Rebbi Aharon of Chernobyl. . Zohar, corrected according to the text of the Constantinople print. A complete set. Printed by Rav Chanania Lippa and Rav Yehoshua Heshil Shapira, grandsons of Rav Moshe, the Slavita Rav. ...
LOT 49: Ohev Yisroel, First Edition. Zhitomir, 1863. Beautiful copy, lacking approbations leaf. . Sefer Ohev Yisroel by the holy Rebbi Avraham Yehoshua Heschel of Apta. Zhitomir, 1863. At the holy press of Rabbi Chanina Lipa and Rabbi Yehoshua Heshel Shapira, grandsons of the rabbi of Slavita, . ...
LOT 50: Nishmat Adam by Rabbi Aharon Shmuel of Kremenets – Zhitomir 1863 – Published by the Holy Rabbi Meshulam Zusia of Zinkov . In the introduction to the sefer, the publisher, the holy Rebbi of Zinkov, recounts how beloved this sefer was to his father, the holy Rebbi Yitzchak Meir of Zinkov: "This ...
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