Firearms, Ammunition, Edged Weapons, Militaria, and Fishing Items

By Apple Tree Auction Center

Nov 18, 2022
1625 W Church St, Newark, OH 43055, USA, United States

Firearms include fine Japanese Arisakas and others, Civil War era rifles, including several US, Springfield, other long guns include Browning, Winchester, Ithaca, Remington, Iver Johnson, Smith and Wesson, Savage, and Shattuck. Handguns include Colt MKII, Colt Bellagu comm., Hi Standard, Browning, and Walther. Japanese and Civil War swords, selection of ammunition. Uniforms and other military. About 100 lots of fishing lures, reels, and rods. Most of these are high end salt water. More to be unpacked, listed, and cataloged.

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