Summer Art Auction

Por Cutler Bay Auctions

18507 S. Dixie Hwy. Cutler Bay, FL 33157 USA, Estados Unidos

Join us for the second part of our Summer Art Auction on Saturday the 29th at 2:00 PM Eastern Time, featuring standout pieces from John Whorf, Hayley Lever, William Aiken Walker, James King Bonner, and Reginald Marsh. This exclusive event showcases works from prestigious collections, including the Soanierman Collection from New York, the Swift Collection from Palm Beach, and an important estate of a Mendocino County physician. Highlights include Whorf's luminous landscapes, Lever's vibrant urban and coastal scenes, Walker's detailed Southern depictions, Bonner's pastoral countryside, and Marsh's dynamic portrayals of urban life. Don't miss this unique opportunity to acquire exceptional art from renowned American artists. Happy Bidding!

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