Miami Art Glass, Crystal & Ceramic Decor Sale

от Lion & Unicorn

Воскресенье, 5.5.24, 14:00
200 Oakwood Lane Suite 200 Hollywood, FL 33020, Соединенные Штаты

From the elegant estates of Miami emerges a captivating collection of exquisite art glass, dazzling crystal pieces, delicate porcelain items, and charming ceramic decor.

Discover renowned brands like Murano, Charles Lotton, Egermann Bohemian, Orrefors, Kosta Boda, Baccarat, Waterford, Swarovski, Lalique, Vera Wang, Ralph Lauren, Royal Doulton, Lladro, Goebel Hummel, and an array of other distinguished makers, each adding their unique touch of sophistication to this splendid assortment. Explore the beauty and craftsmanship that adorn these treasures from the world of art and design.

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