от Mid-Hudson Auction Galleries

179 TEMPLE HILL ROAD, NEW WINDSOR, NEW YORK 12553, Соединенные Штаты

The Richard Clark Lifetime Collection of Movie Posters, 1940's-1860's. (About 200); Lobby Cards; Autographed Photos. This auction will be part I offering posters, lobby cards, autographed posters and lobby cards; autographed photographs and autograph albums. Also in this Sale notable American and European paintings to include Henry Gasser, Edwin Blashifield; Wolf Kahn; John Whorf; Claude Croney; Annie Sykes; William Ward; Tom Wesselman. Works on paper:Warhol, Haring, Roualt, Soyer. SIGNED BEATLES ALBUM COVER WITH COA; ERTE BRONZE BELLE DU BAL. ENTIRE CONTENTS OF AN ANTIQUE ORIENTAL FURNISHED HOUSE.Also, Mid-Century modern furnishings, important Art Deco clocks. African Art. Loads of Jewelry inc. 10K, 14K, sterling silver; many gemstones. Pre-historic and sea faring oddities. Very diverse interesting sale with something for everyone. IMPORTANT TO NOTE RICHARD CLARK COLLECTION BEING SOLD WITHOUT RESERVES.

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