Аукцион 6 Phila-daica - Sale No. 5, Judaica, Philatelic and Numismatic

от Phila-Daica

רחוב אורי צבי גרינברג 15 תל אביב, Израиль

Sale No. 5 is based on a huge and impressive collection of a European collector who collected for a period of about 50 year rare KKL items. In addition, this sale introduces world stamps of many countries from the beginning times of philately - 1850. The next coming Phila-Daica sales will also be based of these huge impressive collections. A small part of Sale No. 4 is dedicated to impressive numismatic items.
Some of the philatelic items will arrive in country on 15 Jan 2023. This will affect winners who, among their winnings some of these items will be included.

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