от Premier Auction Galleries

12587 Chillicothe Rd Chesterland, OH 44026, Соединенные Штаты

Premier Auction Galleries Presenting Our Annual Spring Fine Arts & Important Collections Catalog Sale Offering over 500 lots of 19th and 20th century American, European and Asian Antiques including paintings, lamps, furniture, rugs, textiles, sterling silver, fine art, bronzes, sculptures and decorative arts. Items from several Cleveland, OH and Erie estates and collections. Great offering fitting for interior designers, collectors and dealers. Please take a moment and preview our catalog! Feel free to register and bid in this extravaganza fall catalog! Auction Terms are as is where is, suggested to preview items in person prior to bidding! All sales are final, above the hammer price is a 18%-20% bp, Sales tax applied (6.75% local, and online bidder counties on platforms, see terms and conditions)unless tax exempt with proper forms filed. All items must be picked up with 10 days of auction closing. Cash, check with valid OH Identification and CC to match Auction House License number: 2009000207 Auctioneer Jesse Mathews License number: 2007000220

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