от The Artifact Company

209 W. Main St. Mt. Sterling, KY 40353, Соединенные Штаты

Please join us for our second sale of 2023! Over 530 lots, with over 330 starting a just $1!! Featured in this sale is the remainder of the Martin McKibben Collection which includes many points and study material along with his LARGE library of books - many hard to find and first editions! Also featured is his Son-In-Law - Bruce Baird's Collection of Ohio Flint! Many good pieces and entire displays from near the Coshocton and Flint Ridge Quarries! Our third Headliner is the Charles Matthews Collection which features many pieces from Rene Battinau's famous POW-WOW Museum of Edinburgh, Indiana! Pre-Columbian items from the Wood Family estate also are present as are remainder items from our very first auction the Dr. Robert Nelson Sale will also be present in this auction.. Several smaller consignments round out this sale also. 

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