Special auction of the ultimate in unique, significant, and noble items from the world of Chassidus and Judaica. Personal items from the Tzaddikim, the great luminaries of the generations, unpublished manuscripts, letters from Gedolim across the world, and the first and ancient editions of Seforim that had been hidden for generations!
LOT 1: Chefetz Hashem, the First Work of the Holy Or Hachaim, Printed in His Lifetime! Amsterdam, 1732. Sefer Chefetz Hashem by Rabbeinu Chaim ben Atar, the holy “Or Hachaim” – Amsterdam, 1732 – first edition – the Or Hachaim’s first work. Printed in his lifetime. Chiddushim on tractate Berachot ...
LOT 2: Shiyarei Knesset Hagedola. Salonika, 1757 – Rare. Rabbinical Exemplar. Shiyarei Knesset Hagedola, on Halachot of Tur Yoreh De’ah. Salonika, 1757 – Rare. Exemplar of the Chief Rabbi of Bulgaria, Rabbi Gavriel Almosnino, and of the president of the Rabbinical Council of America and Canada, Rabbi ...
LOT 3: Oholei Yehuda. First Edition With Dedication from the Author, Rabbi Yehuda Bechor Shlomo Hakohen. Sefer Oholei Yehuda, by Rabbi Yehuda Bechor Shlomo Hakohen. Israel Ba”k press, Jerusalem, 1843. First and rare edition, with handwritten dedication by the author. Oholei Yehuda, discourses on ...
LOT 5: Art! Yemenite Manuscript of Megillot Shir Hashirim, Rut, and Kohelet. Holy of Holies! Shir Hashirim, Rus, and Kohelet, handwritten in a special Yemenite manuscript, with Targum Yonatan and Rashi in its entirety. Circa early 19th century. Three Megillos – Shisr Hashirim, Rus, and Kohelet ...
LOT 6: Three Pages of Drushim Handwritten by the Ben Ish Chai . Three sheets of Drush on various topics, written on both sides in the holy handwriting of Maran the “Ben Ish Chai”, Rabbeinu tosef Chaim of Baghdad. Maran the ‘Ben Ish Chai’, Rabbeinu Yosef Chaim of Baghdad (1835-1909), light of the ...
LOT 7: Maran the Rishon Letzion Rabbi Ovadya Yosef. Postcard in the unique handwriting of Maran the Rishon LeTzion, Rabbi Ovadia Yosef, restorer of the glory of Sephardic Jewry, from his younger years in Petach Tikva. 1957. The letter was sent to the great Gaon, member of the Chief Rabbinate, Rabbi ...
LOT 8: Sefer Leshon Limudim, by Rabbi David Yehiya. Constantinople, 1542. Rare. Leshon Limudim, on the study of grammar and writing poetry in Lashon Hakodesh, by Rabbi David ben Rabbi Shlomo Ibn-Yehiya. Eliezer ben Gershon Soncino press, , Constantinople, 1542. Third edition, rare. Year of print ...
LOT 9: Medrash Tehillim, Shmuel, and Mishlei. Bombirgi Press, Venice, 1546. Medras Raba: Medrash Tehillim and Medrash Shmuel and Mishlei, in 2 volumes. Daniel Bombirgi Press, Venice, 1546. Rare. ✵ Medrash Tehillim Raba (with commentary ‘Alpha Beita’) Daniel Bombirgi press, Venice, 1546. 66 pp. ...
LOT 10: Trumas Hadeshen. Second Edition. Venice, 1546. Trumas Hadeshen. Venice, 1546. Second edition. Rare. Sefer Trumas Hadeshen, by Rabbeinu Yisrael Isserlan. Marco Antonio Justinian press, Venice, 1546. Second and rare edition. Owners’ signatures on the title page: “Yechiel Mechel Rabanawich” ...
LOT 11: Ohel Moed. First Edition. Venice, 1548. Ohel Moed, by Rabbi Shlomo of Urbino. Venice, 1548. First edition. Rare. Ohel Moed, a dictionary of synonyms, by Rabbi Shlomo son of Avraham of Urbino. Marco Antonio Justinian press, Venice, 1548. First and rare edition. Missing the preface. Ownership ...
LOT 12: First Edition of a Foundational Sefer: Kiryat Sefer, Venice, 1551. Important and Noble Exemplar. Kiryat Sefer, Rabbi Moshe of Trani’ Halacha Sefer. Venice, 1551. First edition of this foundational Sefer. Noble exemplar of the holy Rav of Radowicz (Rădăuţi). On pg. 5, a notation in Solitreo ...
LOT 13: The First Printed ‘Krovatz’ – For Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur, With Yiddish Translation. Krakow, 15171. ‘Krovatz’, liturgies for Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur according to Polish customs with translation to Yiddish. Krakow, 1571. Extremely rare! “’Krovatz’, an acronym of Kol Rina Viyeshu’ah ...
LOT 14: Rabbi refael Nurtzi’s three Seforim on Mussar: Se’ah Solet, Marpe Lanefesh, and Orach Chaim – Venice, 1579 – First edition – rare. Each Sefer is bound in its own volume in new, luxurious leather binding. Signature on title page of ‘Marpe Lanefesh’. Se’ah Solet: 14 pp. Marpe Lanefesh: [1] ...
LOT 15: Sha’arei Teshuva, Krakow, 1581. Sha’arei Teshuva by Rabbeinu Yona. Krakow, 1581. Rare. “Sefer Sha’arei Teshuva, made by the complete Cassid Rabbeinu Yona” Yitzchak ben Aharon of Prostitz press, Krakow, 1581. Rare. 44 pp. worn cardboard cover. Stains. Moth holes. Tear on last page. Somewhat ...
LOT 16: Extremely Rare Sefer! Yoreh Chata’im Baderech. Venice, 1589. “Sefer ‘Yoreh Chata’im Baderech’, called ‘Sefer HaKaparot’, authored by the great Rabbi… R’ Elazar of Grameisha”. Venice, 1589. Extremely rare . Yoreh Chata’im Baderech. Juan Deguarre press, Venice, 1589. This edition is extremely ...
LOT 17: First and Rare Edition: Mif’alos Elokim. Venice, 1592. Mif’alos Elokim, by Don Issac Abarbanel. Venice, 1592. First edition. Rare. Sefer Mif’alos Elokim, on the Creation and on faith, by Rabbi Issac Abarbanel. Printed from a manuscript found in the home of the Rama of Pano. Juan Digarra press ...
LOT 18: First Source of ‘Modeh Ani”! Seder Hayom by Rabbi Moshe Ben Machir – Venice, 1599. First Edition. Seder Hayom, Halachot and behaviors throughout the day. By Rabbi Moshe ibn Machir. Venice, 1599. First edition. Rare. The first source of the prayer of “Modeh Ani” said every morning upon waking. ...
LOT 19: Sefer Chelkas Mechokek, commentary on Sefer Iyov by the holy alshech. Venice, 1603. First edition. Rare. Chelkas Mechokek, commentary on Sefer Iyov (with the text), by Rabbeinu Moshe Alshech. Juan Deguerre press, Venice, 1603. First and rare edition. Notation in Italian on pg. 102, and a ...
LOT 20: Cheshek Shlomo by the Tashbe”Tz. First Edition, Venice, 1623. – 400 Year Old Preserved Exemplar –. Sefer Cheshek Shlomo by Rabbeinu the Tashbe”tz. Venice, 1623. First edition, rare. Cheshek Shlomo, commentary on Sefer Mishlei by Rabbeinu Shlomo Duran ben Tzemaḥ, the Tashbe”tz. Venice, 1623. ...
LOT 21: Menoras Hama’or by Rabbi Yitzchak Abuhav the First. Venice 1623. Menoras Hama’or, to enlighten the eyes of all who seek Hashem to distance from evil and do good and seek peace. By Rabbi yitzḥak Abuhav (the first) the Spaniard. Venice, 1623, in the home of Giovani Kayun. Handwritten glosses ...
LOT 22: Bechinat Olam. Paris, 1629. Bechinat Olam, by the wise philosopher, the saintly Rabbi Yeda’ya Hapenini Bedrashi, with Pirkei Avot translated to French and Italian, and the 13 methods of Drush. Paris, 1629. Rare. Bechinat Olam, by the sage the Badrashi, with Pirkei Avot in Hebrew and in French ...
LOT 23: Mizmor Letoda. Second Edition. Prague, 1610. Rare. Sefer ‘Mizmor LeTodah’, by Rabbi Shmuel Aripol. Prague, 1610. Second edition. Rare. ‘Mizmor LeTodah’, on Tehillim Ch. 119-134, by Rabbi Shmuel, son of Rabbi Yitzchak Aripol. Moshe Katz press, Prague, 1610. Second and rare edition. On the ...
LOT 24: Galut Yehuda, Italian-Hebrew Dictionary. Second, Rare Edition. Padova, 1640. Sefer Galut Yehuda, by Rabbi Yehuda Aryeh of Modina, Hebrew-Italian dictionary for words from Tanach and Chazal’s sayings. Padua, 1640. Second edition. Rare. Galut Yehuda, explaining every word that requires a ...
LOT 25: First Jewish Sefer Printed in Livorno: Rare! Yalkut Shimoni, 1649-1652. Yalkut Shimoni I. Livorno, 1649-1652. The first Jewish Sefer to be printed there. Rare. “The Yalkut, on all twenty four Seforim (I. on the Torah), by Rabbi Shimon, head of the speakers of Vrankburt. With commentary ‘Brit ...
LOT 26: First Edition and Noble Exemplar Me’il Shmuel. Venice, 1705. Sefer Me’il Shmuel, an abbreviation and index of the holy Shlah, by Rabbi Shmuel David Ottolingo. Venice, 1705. Exemplar of the Kabbalist Rabbi Aharon Avraham Slotky. First edition, rare. Me’il Shmuel, an abbreviation and an index ...
LOT 27: First Hebrew Book of Medicine: Ma’aseh Tuvya, First Edition. Venice 1707. Sefer Ma’aseh Tuvya – Venice, 1707, with many illustrations – First Edition. The Sefer deals with Astronomy, Research, Medicine and Anatomy, written by Rabbi Dr. Tuvya Katz. Considered the first Hebrew medical text. ...
LOT 28: Passover Hagaddah Beit Yisrael Beit Chorin. Amsterdam, 1781. With the Map. ‘Beis Yisrael Bnei Chorin’ – Passover Hagadda according to the customs of the Ashkenazim and Sephardim in Amsterdam. Amsterdam, 1781, with the map. “Ma’aleh Bet Chorin, which is the order of the Hagadda for Pesach ...
LOT 29: Mesilas Yeshorim – Shklow, 1795 – Early, rare edition. Old signature on pages 28b-29: “Aryeh Leib son of Rabbi Menachem Nochum Luria”. 52 pp. 17cm. new cover. Moisture stains. Title page restored with paper pasting. Tear on bottom of pg. 14 with damage to text. Good-fair condition.
LOT 30: First Editions of Avnei Milu’im, Lemberg, 1815 & Zolkiew, 1825 in One Volume. Avnei Milu’im I-II, by the “Ktzos HaChoshen”. Lemberg and Zolkiew, 1815-1825. First edition. Avnei Milu’im on Shulchan Aruch Even Ha’ezer, parts I-II in one volume. By the Gaon Rabbi Aryeh Leib Hakohen, author of ...
LOT 31: Forged from Within! Yerushalmi On Seder Kodashim. Both Volumes. Extremely Rare!. Both parts of the Yerushalmi on Seder Kodashim – the forgery! Rare and precious find! Szinérváralja, 1907-1909. Two-part Talmud Yerushalmi on Seder Kodashim, with the commentary of the forging publisher Shlomo ...
LOT 32: Very Large Volume – Manuscript of Drush On the Parshios. Unknown Author. Vienna, Ca. 1875-83. 740 Handwritten Pages!. Manuscript volume, Drushim on the Parshios of the Torah and sermons for Shabbos Hagadol and Shabbos Shuva – written during 1875-1883 – never printed – unknown author. On the ...
LOT 33: Unprinted Manuscript On Tur and Shulchan Aruch Hilchos Kiddushin. Handwritten manuscript. Learned composition on the Tur and Shulchan Aruch Hilchos Kiddushin – Never Printed – ca. 1920’s. This is a deep work on the Shulchan Aruch, Even Ha’ezer Hilchos Kiddushin. The author goes through it ...
LOT 34: ‘Bekishe Worn by the Holy Exalted Tzaddik of Rivnitz’. “Endows the wearer with a spirit of holiness and Yiras Shomayim, salvations and healing.” – Bekishe owned and worn by the holy famous pure miracle worker and Oved Hashem, Rabbi Chaim Zanvil of Rivnitz. Enclosed with the Bekishe is a rare ...
LOT 35: Hand towel of the exalted and holy Tzaddik, the saintly “Heiliger Rivnitzer”, Rabbi Chaim Zanvil of Rimnitz. Hand towel used to soak up his tears during his toil in Tikkun Chatzos, by the incredible Tzaddik Rabbi Chaim Zanvil Abramowitz of Rimnitz, a true Ohev Yisrael, who cried for the pain ...
LOT 36: Tefillin Parshiyos from the Famed Sofer Rabbi Yehuda Asher Roth. Tefillin and Parshiyos written by the famous Sofer, the Tzaddik Rabbi Yehuda Asher Roth, from the lofty people of Yerushalayim. Disciple and confidant of the Tzaddikim of the holy city. Parshios of Tefillin Shel Rosh only, on ...
LOT 37: “And the Levite Shall Perform the Holy Work!” Siddur Avodas Halevi of the Holy Pillar Of Prayer of Tosh – from His Last Years. וְעָבַד הַלֵּוִי אֶת עֲבֹדַת אֹהֶל מוֹעֵד! – “And the Levite Shall Perform the Holy Work!” The pure Siddur of the elder Tzaddik of the generation, the holy Rebbe of ...
LOT 38: Tehillim, Yiddish Translation. Mantua, 1562. Mantua Tehillim, 1562, with Yiddish translation. Rare edition of the Tehillim – never sold in auction. Single exemplar exists in the Bar Ilan library. The Yiddish translation was published by Rabbi Eliyahu Bachur in 1545. Title page partially ...
LOT 39: Rare Machzor. Roman Customs. Mantua, 1718-1719. Machzor, per the customs of of Rome, I-II. Mantoua, 1718-1719. Rare. Machzor according to the customs of the people of Roma for the entire year. 2 parts in one volume. Yitzchak Yersh and Yaakov Chaver Tov press, Mantua, 1781, completed in 1719. ...
LOT 40: Selichos and Tikkunim Printed in Venice, 1728-1739. Collection of [4] Slichos and Tikkunim for Shavuos and Hoshana Rabba. Venice, 1728-1739. Rare. ✵ Tikkun Leil Hoshana Rabba, according to the customs of Eretz Yisrael, Egypt, and the surrounding area. Bragadia press, Venice, 1728. Rare. ...
LOT 41: The First Machzor Printed in Eretz Yisrael. Jerusalem, 1843-44. First machzor printed in Eretz Yisrael, ‘Sefer Mo’adei Hashem and Kri’ei Mo’ed’. Jerusalem, 1843-44. 2 vol. set. The first Machzor to be printed in Eretz Yisrael! Prayers for the three festivals and Chol Hamo’ed, plus ...
LOT 42: Siddur Beit Tefillah as Per the Italian Customs. Livorno, 1862. Siddur Beit Tefilla, Italian customs. Livorno, 1862. Beit Tefilla, according to the customs of the Italian community, with additions of a prayer for sustenance and more. Shlomo Bilforti and Friends press, Livorno, 1862. ...
LOT 43: Siddur ‘Uvlechtecha Baderech’ – Miniature. Nusach Sfarad! Warsaw, 1884. Siddur ‘Uvlechtecha Baderech’, prayers for the whole year, Nusach Sepharad . Warsaw, 1884. Miniature. Rare. Siddur Uvlechtecha Baderech, prayers for the whole year, with Tefilat Haderech for sea and river farers. Nussach ...
LOT 44: Miniature Siddur. Nusach Sfarad! Lublin, 1925. Rare With Historical Background. Siddur ‘Uvlechtecha Baderech’, prayers for the whole year, Nusach Sepharad . Lublin, 1925. Miniature. Rare. Siddur Uvlechtecha Baderech, prayers for the whole year, with Tikkunei Shabbat, laws of Bris Milah and ...
LOT 45: Special Collector’s Item: 19 Miniature Siddurim. Rare!. Assortment of 19 miniature Siddurim. 1904-1963. ✵ Merom Tzion, weekday, Shabbos, and holiday prayers. Sephardic customs. Ri”n Levi et al press, Jerusalem, 1904 [2], 187 pp. 7cm. Last page detached. Pgs. 188-190 missing. ✵ Tefilas ...
LOT 46: Miniature Siddur, Unknown Edition. New York – Los Angeles, 1955. Prayer Book, Mincha and Maariv, published by AMARNA, NY – LA, 1955. Miniature. Extremely rare. This edition is bibliographically unknown, and is not found in the National Library. Soft, gilded cover with Magen David. In pgs. ...
LOT 47: From the Treasured Seforim of the Holy Kabbalistic Gaon Rabbi Naftali Katz Av Beis Din of Ostroh, Poznań, and Frankfurt – the ‘Smichas Chachomim’. Responsa ‘Avodas Hagershoni’ – Frankfurt am Main, 1699 – first edition – Emossed on front and back cover with a stamp of “Kesser Kehuna” – Crown of ...
LOT 48: Exemplar of the Holy Rebbe Rabbi Shlomo of Chortkov – Inheritance. “Sha’ar Hahachana and wonderous wills” by Rabbi Naftali Katz, author of “Smichas Chachomim”. Lemberg, 1840. Exemplar stamped with the stamp of the holy Rebbe, Rabbi Shlomo of Chortkov. On the title page is a Kvittel – a name ...
LOT 49: Mitpachat Sefarim by Rabbi Yaakov Emden. the First Edition, Printed in the Author’s Home. Sefer Mitpachat Sefarim by Rabbi Yaakov Emden. Altona, 1768 – First and rare edition printed in the author’s home.In this Sefer, the author comes out to dispute the attribution of the holy Zohar to the ...
LOT 50: The First Sefer Printed by the Yaavetz. Lecehm Shamayim. Wandsbek, 1733. Sefer Lechem Shamayim – Wandsbek, 1733 – first edition – Rav Yaakov Emden’s first Sefer – Noble exemplar from the Tzaddikim of Poland. Sefer Lechem Shamayim, on the Mishna. Part 1. With Kuntres “Binyan Beit Habechirah” ...
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