500 Gallery
1243 Pond Street, Franklin. MA 02038
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500 Gallery
Art From Private Collections
Masterworks and studies by and attributed to a wide selection of American and European artists including Picasso, Warhol, Kilne, Cocteau, van Gogh, Basquiat, Degas, Basquiat, and Gauguin. This selection also includes several works by contemporary artists such as Miss Bugs, Maria Rivans, and Ryan Callanan.
500 Gallery
Antique & Vintage African Tribal Art
African tribal sculptures and masks from the late 1800's through the mid 20th century. Rare masterpiece examples of Bangwa, Dogon, Baule, Ibibio, Yoruba, Bakongo and Senufo art gathered over the past decades. The selection is from the private collection of Massachusetts Gentlemen.
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