Chen Ban-din (陈半丁 ), "Hydrangea" Ink, paper, silk.
Chen Ban-din (陈半丁 ), "Hydrangea"
Ink, paper, silk
Size (paper): 101x39 cm
Full size (on silk): 215x55 cm
The poem of Se Jen (1495-1575), the poet of the Ming dynasty:
The branch, which becomes wet, falls on the carved balustrade,
Grapes of white blooms, bourgeon to bourgeon,
How invincibly the spring tempest the feelings,
Who is there, raising the curtain, delighting in the moon?
Personal marks of the artist: pseudonym Ban Sow, the characteristic stamp (a man full of impression who doesn't know what to look at first), "optimism and truth"
Provenance: a gift from the academic department of the history of the economic studies in Beijing to Blumin Israel Grigorievich (1897-1959), the Soviet economist and historian of economic studies, who held his lections in Beijing in 1957.
Complimental title: For respected comrade I. G. Blumin for the memory of our friendship. From all the collective of the academic department of history of the economic studies of the National University of China. March 1957, Beijing.
Chen Ban-ding (1875-1963) - Chinese artist, master of ink wash painting. He rightfully holds a significant place in the Chinese art world of the 20th century.
Chen Ban-ding's favorite motifs were faded lilac chrysanthemums and yellow pumpkins intertwining in an intricate garland. By slightly varying shades of color, the shape of the scroll, and the proportional ratio of components, the artist conveys a wide range of moods and thoughts. In the preface to the collection of Chen Ban-ding's paintings, the artist Pan Tianshou wrote that the characteristic given by the famous Wu Changshuo to the style of Qi Baishi can also be attributed to the creative manner of Chen Ban-Ding: “Wonderful traditions of Xu Wei and Shi Tao became in his hands the means of creating his own style. "
陈半丁 “绣球花”
3 “山阴道上人”
(陈半丁是我们大家都这么叫他,原名叫陈年,字半丁,号半叟、山阴道上人(艺术作品中给 自己起的雅名)
出处:北京中国人民大学经济教学史系送给1957年在北京讲学的苏联经济学家、经济教学 史学家布鲁明 · 伊斯雷尔 · 格里戈耶维奇(Blumin Israel Grigoryevich,1897-1959)的礼物。
卷轴背面的题词是:亲爱的布鲁明同志,我们的友谊地久天长。中国人民大学经济研究史系全 体教职工。1957年3月,北京。
陈半丁(1875-1963),中国画家,国画大师。他在20世纪中国美术界中占有举足 轻重的地位。
陈半丁最喜欢的绘画图案是淡蓝色的菊花和黄色的南瓜交织在一个精致的花环中。他通过略微 改变色调、卷轴尺寸、各组成部分的比例传达了各种各样的情绪和想法。艺术家潘天寿在《陈半丁画集序》中写道 ,齐白石著名的吴昌硕风格所具有的特点,可以归因于陈半丁的创作方式:“徐渭、石涛的卓越手法成为他创造自 己风格的方法。”