Magasin de Aviv gallery

masaryk 14, Tel-Aviv
Conditions de vente Nous contacter
Numéro de lot : 2693-121444

Simon & Garfunkel at Philharmonic Hall, 1967

Le prix inclut les taxes et la commission

Simon & Garfunkel at Philharmonic Hall, 1967

Poster glued on cardboard

61 x 97 cm

On 22 January 1967, Simon & Garfunkel performed at Philharmonic Hall at Lincoln Center in New York City. For the poster, Milton Glaser put both musicians literally on a pedestal, and gave their iconic silhouettes the same three-dimensional treatment as he used for the characters in his (Glaser) Baby Fat — illustration follows typeface, for an inimitable graphic gesamtkunstwerk

Measurement:  61 x 97 cm