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Two issues "Banativ": organ of Australian Zionist youth, 1948

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Two issues "Banativ": organ of Australian Zionist youth, 1948

Two issues of "Banativ": organ of Australian Zionist youth,   September 1948, August 1948

Published for the Youth Department of the Zionist Federation of Australia and New Zealand by the Editorial Board, Banativ, Room 305, 325 Collins Street, Mellbourne, Victoria.

Banatif. Organ of Australian Zionist youth. Melbourne

v.1, no 1-v.3, no 10 (June 1947 - 1950)

20cm; 32pp

Frequency: monthly

Editor: Ehud Lederberger, the first full-time youth "Shaliakh" (emissary) from Israel.

Printed by A. Maller; Excelsior Printing Works, Hawthorn.

The name was changed to Banativ, which more accurately reflects the Hebrew spelling of the title.

The magazine was established primarily to bridge the gap between Israel and the

"haverim" of the Zionist youth movement. Its most important material described life in Israel,

relating its problems, and endeavoring to explain the atmosphere of the nascent State.

Emphasis on practical Zionism.

The Zionist Federation of Australia (ZFA) is the federal roof body of all Zionist organisations and activity in Australia, responsible for developing, enriching and supporting a meaningful relationship between the Australian Jewish community and the State of Israel. Founded in Melbourne in 1927, by personalities such as Sir John Monash and Rabbi I.