Leilão 55 Private collection - special items.
Por Behrooz
26 Gershon Agron St., Jerusalem (near the Waldorf Astoria Hotel), Israel

שנזכה לראות פני משיח צידקנו במהרה בימנו מתוך אושר ושמחה בעם ישראל!

"וזכרת את השם אלקיך כי הוא הנותן לך כח לעשות חיל"

"ואני בחסדך בטחתי יגל ליבי בישועתך אשירה לה' כי גמל עלי".

O leilão terminou

LOTE 145:

"Yad" for a Torah scroll - Austria-Hungary. Dated 1854

A silver "hand" for a Torah scroll. ...

Preço inicial:
$ 500
Comissão da leiloeira: 23%
IVA: 17% Sobre a comissão apenas
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21.8.24 em Behrooz
identificações: Itens de prata Pratas

"Yad" for a Torah scroll - Austria-Hungary. Dated 1854

A silver "hand" for a Torah scroll. Austro-Hungarian, signed, 19th century, cast and engraved; A large hand, with decorations in plant and flower patterns. Decorated with an engraved inscription: In memory of my father Yehuda Ari Schnitzler. Length: 29.5 cm. Very good condition. A small silver chain