Leilão 25 sale Parte 2 פריטים חדשים יתווספו בכל יום עד סמוך ליום המכירה 2 parts Auction: Art books, Books , Holy Books, Wine, Judaica, Israeliana, Collectables, Ceramics
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HaPalmah 12 Jerusalem, Israel
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LOTE 646:

The Complete Etchings of Goya Crown Publishers, New York, 1943

Vendido por: $10
Preço inicial:
$ 10
Comissão da leiloeira: 25% Mais detalhes
IVA: 17% Sobre a comissão apenas
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13.10.22 em Fantiquario
identificações: Livros de arte

The Complete Etchings of Goya Crown Publishers, New York, 1943
A beautiful collection of this great artist's etchings, especially the ones on the Inquisition and the Napoleonic invasion. T