Leilão 32 Parte 1
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Merging Traditions : Jewish Life in Cleveland Kent State University Press, 2004.

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Merging Traditions : Jewish Life in Cleveland Kent State University Press, 2004.
Out ut of a small group of Jewish settlers that came to Cleveland in 1839 sprang the large, vibrant, and diverse Jewish com- munity, numbering in excess of 81,500, that has contributed significantly to Cleveland's life. At the turn of the cen- tury many immigrants found work in Cleveland's thriving garment industry, then second only to New York's. Others entered the building trades, and those with entrepreneural inclinations opened retail stores dedicated to serving their Jewish neighborhoods. The entry of Jews into the business mainstream facilitated inclusion into nearly every area of com- munity endeavor-civic life, education, and culture.

During World War II the community began to move to the suburbs, and Cleveland Heights emerged with the largest Jewish neighborhood outside of Cleveland. The exodus to the suburbs continued unabated until the mid-1950s, practically emptying the central city of its Jewish population. Many moved still farther east in the 1960s. As families left the traditional Jewish enclaves for more affluent areas and purchased larger prop- erties in the suburbs, the synagogues and Jewish institutions and facilities moved with them.

hardcover with DJ

270 pp

 very good