Asta 88 Parte 1 Judaica – Books, Manuscripts, Rabbinical Letters, Ceremonial
Da Kedem
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Collection of Books Printed in Venice – 16th-17th Centuries – Incomplete Copies

Venduto per: $2 200
Prezzo iniziale:
$ 1 100
Commissione per la casa d'aste: 25%
IVA: 17% Solo su commissione
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6.9.22 in Kedem

Collection of Books Printed in Venice – 16th-17th Centuries – Incomplete Copies

Seven books printed in Venice in the 16th-17th centuries (incomplete copies):
1. Pirkei Avot with the commentaries of the Rambam and R. Yitzchak Abarbanel. [Venice: Justinian, 1545]. 2-215 leaves (leaves 209-212 erroneously bound before leaf 109). Lacking title page.
2. Michtam LeDavid, by R. David Vital. Venice: Justinian, 1546. 108 leaves. Open tears to final leaves, affecting text, repaired with paper (and handwritten text replacement).
3-4. Marpeh LeNefesh, by R. Refael Norzi. Venice: Zuan (Giovanni) di Gara, 1579. 15-40 leaves. Originally printed with Se'ah Solet before it (first 14 leaves), and Orach Chaim BeDarkei HaMusar after it (31 leaves, separate sequence).
Bound with: Derashot HaRan. [Venice, Bragadin, 1594]. 9-90 leaves. Lacking first 8 leaves, including title page.
5. Reshit Daat, homilies, by R. Moshe Albelda. Venice: Bragadin, 1583. 10, 9-242 [i.e. 240] leaves. Lacking leaves 241-243. Final leaves bound upside down, with open tears affecting text.
6. Responsa Menachem Azariah, by R. Menachem Azariah da Fano. [Venice]: Daniel Zanetti, [1600?]. 140 leaves. Lacking leaves 141-143 (with table of contents and errata).
7. Mar'ot HaTzov'ot, commentary on Yirmiyahu and Trei Asar, by R. Moshe Alshech. [Venice: Zuan di Gara, 1603-1607]. 67-144 leaves. (Originally printed with commentary on entire Neviim – lacking first half of book). Signature of R. Avraham Yosef Graziano on final page.
Enclosed: title page of Beit Lechem Yehuda, index to Ein Yaakov by R. Yehuda Aryeh of Modena. Venice: Pietro, Alvise and Lorenzo Bragadini, 1625
7 books (incomplete copies) + title page. Size and condition vary.

PLEASE NOTE: Item descriptions were shortened in translation. For further information, please refer to Hebrew text.