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LOTE 118:

Letter from the Divrei Shmuel Rebbe of Slonim, and Letter from His Sons the Beit Avraham and Rebbe Yissachar Leib ...

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22.11.22 en Kedem

Letter from the Divrei Shmuel Rebbe of Slonim, and Letter from His Sons the Beit Avraham and Rebbe Yissachar Leib of Slonim – Ca. 1890s-1900s
Two letters from rebbes of Slonim:
• Letter handwritten and signed by Rebbe Shmuel Weinberg of Slonim, author of Divrei Shmuel, to his Chassidim in Tiberias, and to the renowned Chassid R. Eliezer HaKohen. Mir, [ca. 1890s].
• Letter handwritten and signed by Rebbe Avraham Weinberg son of the rebbe of Slonim (later the Beit Avraham of Baranovich), to the renowned Chassid R. Eliezer HaKohen. With an addition on verso (some seven lines) handwritten and signed by his brother – Rebbe Yissachar Leib Weinberg [Slonim, ca. 1900s].
The letter from the Divrei Shmuel was written in Mir, during his trip to Lithuania to raise funds for Kollel Reisin in Tiberias.
The letter from Rebbe Avraham and Rebbe Yissachar Leib, was written during their father's lifetime, and pertains to matchmaking, purchasing a house (presumably in Tiberias) and funds for Kollel Reisin. Rebbe Avraham blesses the elderly recipient of the letter with longevity, and that he should merit to marry off his youngest son and even serve as sandek at his grandson's brit.
Rebbe Shmuel Weinberg of Slonim, author of Divrei Shmuel (1850-1916), grandson and close disciple of the Yesod HaAvodah. He began serving as rebbe ca. 1883. He always led his flock in Europe and Tiberias with love and exceptional devotion. He was personally involved in the education and spiritual guidance of the youth and saved many from spiritual decline. For most of his life, he was engaged in raising funds for Kollel Reisin, supporting the immigrants to Tiberias. His most remarkable accomplishment was the establishment of the Or Torah yeshiva in Tiberias. He was also one of the founders of Agudath Yisrael in 1912.
His son Rebbe Avraham Weinberg of Slonim (the second), author of Beit Avraham (1884-1933), began leading the Slonim Chassidut in 1916, expending great effort to rebuild the Chassidut after WWI. In 1918, he founded the Torat Chessed yeshiva in Baranovich together with his close friend R. Moshe Midner. The yeshiva was a unique combination of the Lithuanian style of learning together with Chassidic fervor in worship of G-d. He lived in Bialystok until 1929, and then in Baranovich.
The recipient of the letters was the prominent Chassid R. Eliezer HaKohen Rozovsky (Reb Leiza Yalovker), a Slonim Chassid in Tiberias (1822-1915), an outstanding Jew, one of the elite disciples of the rebbes of Kobryn and Slonim. He was renowned for his passionate, inspiring prayers. His teacher the Yesod HaAvodah defined him as one who worships G-d with joy. R. Mordechai Chaim of Slonim praised him profusely, wishing himself that he once in his life merit to pray like R. Leizer's weekday Arvit prayer (see more about him: A. Surasky, Yesod HaMaalah, I, Bnei Brak 2000, pp. 263-264).
Two letters. First letter: double leaf, two written pages. 21.5 cm. Good-fair condition. Stains. Marginal open tear to first leaf, with paper repair to cover tear (tear possibly intentional, perhaps made by recipient, to omit personal content). Second letter: [1] leaf, written on both sides, official stationery. 28 cm. Good-fair condition. Stains, traces of past dampness and wear.