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Letter of Recommendation by Rabbi Hillel Lichtenstein of Kolomyya

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2.12.15 in Kedem

Letter of Recommendation by Rabbi Hillel Lichtenstein of Kolomyya
Letter handwritten and signed by Rabbi "Hillel L.S. (Lichtenstein) of Veča”. Kolomyya, Tishrei 1887.
Recommendation for giving charity to a needy Torah scholar of Jerusalem: "The famous rabbi… proficient in revealed and hidden areas of Torah, pious and humble, fear of Heaven lights his countenance...R' Yitzchak David ben R' Mordechai who was Av Beit Din of the Kimpolung community and several other communities, grandson of tsaddikim and holy men…".
Rabbi Hillel Lichtenstein (1811-1891), a leading disciple of the Chatam Sofer, born in the city of Veča to his father Rabbi Baruch Bendit, was renowned for his fear and love of Heaven from his early years and at the time he studied at the Pressburg Yeshiva, the Chatam Sofer loved and esteemed him greatly because of his pure fear of G-d. Rabbi Lichtenstein served in the rabbinate of Marghita and Szikszó, Hungary and in 1867 he relocated to serve in the rabbinate of Kolomyya Galicia. He was a renowned preacher who fought G-d's battles by rebuking his generation for "breaks in the walls" of Torah adherence. Revered by the leading rabbis of his generation, the Divrei Chaim of Sanz praised him highly. His responsa were printed in Teshuvot Beit Hillel (Satmar 1908) and his sermons were printed in the four parts of his book Maskil el Dal, Et La'asot, etc.
[1] leaf, approximately 20.5 cm. Fair condition, tears to folds and acidic tape in places.
This letter was printed in the book Gevurot Yitzchak – Drush V'Chiddush (Ganei Shoshanim, page 51).