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Booklets Defaming the Zionist Leadership during the Holocaust

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$ 200
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Booklets Defaming the Zionist Leadership during the Holocaust
Four booklets charging Zionist institutions and figures with inappropriate conduct during the Holocaust. Hebrew.
1. The Children of Teheran Accuse – documents and testimonies, Moshe Shoenfeld. Jerusalem, 1943. Issued by the international executive committee of Agudat Israel. The author blames, in this book, the Zionist leadership for actions which were aimed at distancing the Teheran children from religion and tradition.
2-3. Holocaust Victims Accuse, Moshe Shoenfeld. Two editions: Bnei Brak, 1975; 2008. The booklets contain a collection of ten essays which were published in the orthodox monthly "Digleinu" where Shoenfeld accuses Zionist institutions and figures of committing war crimes during the Holocaust. The book ends with an essay by Rabbi Michael Dov Weissmandel on the same topic.
4. The Zionist Crimes of extinguishing the Diaspora, Shlomo Shalmon. [Tel-Aviv], [1986].
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