Subasta 31 Jewish and Israeli History and Culture
Por Kedem
8 Ramban St, Jerusalem., Israel
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LOTE 14:

Large Photographs – Souvenir of the 12th Zionist Congress

Vendido por: $480
Precio inicial:
$ 450
Comisión de la casa de subasta: 23%
IVA: 17% IVA sólo en comisión
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21.5.13 en Kedem

Large Photographs – Souvenir of the 12th Zionist Congress
Two photos, sent as a souvenir from the twelfth Zionist Congress in Carlsbad, to one of the congress's delegates. Carlsbad, 1921.
Photo of the 12th congress by the photographer Carl Wagner and a group-photo of the "HaMizrahi" delegates, mounted on a cardboard bearing a handwritten dedication: "to Mr. Joseph Zeltzer delegate of the Carlsbad congress". On the cardboard appear Czech postal stamps, postal ink-stamps and the congress ink-stamps. Photos: 23X15 cm, cardboard: 34.5X42 cm. Good condition.