Subasta 7 Jewish and Israeli History and Culture
Por Kedem
8 Ramban St, Jerusalem., Israel
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LOTE 25:

Zionist Shekel – Three Receipts

Vendido por: $120
Precio inicial:
$ 120
Comisión de la casa de subasta: 23%
IVA: 17% IVA sólo en comisión
Los usuarios de países extranjeros pueden estar exentos de pagar impuestos, de acuerdo con la normativa fiscal de su país
19.10.09 en Kedem

Zionist Shekel – Three Receipts
1. Voucher for donation of Zionist Shekel, 1916. Whoever pays a shekel a year "is entitled to take part in elections for the members of the next Zionist Congress". Hebrew, German, Yiddish and English. Poor condition.
2. "The Shekel", with inscription: "Herzl" and "Jewish State", 1935. Fair condition.
3. Prowizoryczny szekel – Receipt for donation of Shekel, Cracow. Polish. Fair condition.