拍卖会 117 第 4 阶段 Fine Art, Metalware & Sculptures
星期六, 22.2.25, 10:00
Hammerstraße 30, 8523 Plauen, 德国
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拍卖品 3417:

Castelluci, Büste Jeanne d'Arc

Price including buyer’s premium: 619.20
拍卖行佣金: 27%
增值税: 19% 仅对佣金收取
Users from foreign countries may be exempted from tax payments, according to the relevant tax regulations

Castelluci, Büste Jeanne d'Arc
Castelluci, Büste Jeanne d'Arcwohl Italien, 1. Hälfte 20. Jh., verso signiert, verschiedenfarbiger Alabaster, Darstellung der Jungfrau von Orleans mit Kopftuch, den Blick fragend zum Himmel gerichtet, oberflächliche Altersspuren und kleine Blessuren, H 35 cm, L 37 cm.
Castelluci, Bust of Joan of Arcprobably Italy, 1st half 20th century, signed on the reverse, alabaster in various colours, depicting the Virgin of Orleans with headscarf, her gaze turned questioningly to the sky, superficial traces of age and small blemishes, h 35 cm, l 37 cm.