Vente 54 Books, Kodesh books, Hassidic books, Rabbinical letters, Manuscripts, Judaika and more - Includes rare and special items
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Harav Kook Street 10 Bnei Brak, Israël
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LOT 10:

Rare volume: Yemin Moshe / Zikaron LeBnei Yisrael / Shochtei HaYeladim. Calcutta 1844.

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$ 200
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23.5.22 à Moreshet

Rare volume: Yemin Moshe / Zikaron LeBnei Yisrael / Shochtei HaYeladim. Calcutta 1844.

Sefer Yemin Moshe—halachot of shechita and treifut by the Shulchan Aruch, Rama, and others, by Rabbi Moshe ben Yosef Ventura of Tivoli. The title page also mention additional works, see below. 115, [17], [6] leaves. Leaves 105 until the end are printed on blue paper.

[16] of the first leaves are: Sefer Zikaron LeBnei Yisrael, “a summary of halachot of shechita and bedikah of the knife and 70 treifut signs for birds and animals” by Rabbi Avraham Mizrahi. With a special title page.

The [6] last leaves are Sefer Shochtei HaYeladim, “including laws of shechita and bedika…using rhyming stanzas by Moharar Yisrael Najara…”, with a special title page. Catalogued in the Rare Books section of various libraries. Antique binding, tape reinforcement of the spine, stains, overall good condition. Notes in Mizrahi script on the title page and back.