Vente 54 Books, Kodesh books, Hassidic books, Rabbinical letters, Manuscripts, Judaika and more - Includes rare and special items
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Volume with the books: Tiv Kedushin (polemic) / Avnei Gazit on the Even HaEzer – first editions ...

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Volume with the books: Tiv Kedushin (polemic) / Avnei Gazit on the Even HaEzer – first editions, Bucharest/Jerusalem 1865/1912.

1. Sefer Tiv Kedushin, “elucidates and clarifies the tiv kedushin of Ruth the Georgian based on Shas and the poskim…based on the gavit edut done kehalacha”, a polemic work by Rabbi Yosef Zvi HaLevi, Ra’avad of Yafo, author of Hora’at Sha’ah, Hashkafa Livracha, Bikkurei Zion, and more. The work deals in practice with the kiddushin of a young girl Ruth from the Caucasus, which took place with witnesses and then one of the witnesses was disproved. The affair developed over a long time and involved a few states. This book bolsters the psak halacha given at the time with a quote from the gemara. First edition, Jerusalem 1912. [8], 154, [2] pages. Catalogued as rare by the National Library. Long introduction by the author.

2. Avnei Gazit by Rabbi Yaakov Meir ben Rabbi Eli Schpilman, on the Shulchan Aruch Even HaEzer, halachot Ishut. Inside he also offers an exegesis on the Beit Shmuel. First edition, [1], 47 leaves. Though the title page notes “Part 1”, no additional sections were actually printed.

Rare approbations from: Rabbi Chaim Palagi of Izmir, Rabbi Refael Asher Kovo of Salonika, Rabbi Zvi Hirsch Oppenheim of Timisoara, Rabbi Avraham David Leietch, and from Tunisian rabbis: Rabbi Yeshua Basis, Rabbi Natan Burgil, and Rabbi Yosef Burgil, and additional approbations. The back of the title page has subscriber names, including members of the author’s family. Worming damage and holes in some places, mainly in the margins, stains, overall fair to good condition.