Vente 64 A special Chabad auction
Par Moreshet
Harav Kook Street 10 Bnei Brak, Israël
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LOT 17:

Set of LIkutei Torah by the Admor Hazaken - First Edition Zhytomyr 1848 Copy of the Chassid Rabbi Mordechai Dober ...

Vendu pour: $1 000
Prix de départ:
$ 250
Commission de la maison de ventes: 25%
TVA: 17% Seulement sur commission
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29.3.23 à Moreshet

Set of LIkutei Torah by the Admor Hazaken - First Edition Zhytomyr 1848 Copy of the Chassid Rabbi Mordechai Dober Slonim of Hebron
Sefer Likutei Torah, fro Sefer Vayikra, Bamidbar, Devarim and Shir Hashirim, the central book of Ma'amarei Rabbi Shneur Zalman of Liadi, the Admor Hazaken Ba'al HaTanya, a basic book of Torat Chabad. This book is the second section of Sefer Torah Or - which was printed by the Admor the Tzemach Tzeddek without his comments. In LIkutei Torah, his comments were added after the pleas of the Chassidim and the Admor Hazaken's revelation to him and his sons in a dream. Published by the sons of the Admor the Tzemach Tzeddek, the Admor the Maharil of Kopust and his brother the Admor Rabbi Chaim Shneur Zalman of Liadi. Printed by the brothers Chanina Lipa, Aryeh Leib and Yehoshuqa Heschil Shapira, the grandsons of the Rav of Slavuta, in Zhytomyr, 1848.

Bound in two volumes:
Volume I: Parashat Beshalach and Pekudei of Sefer Shemot and SEfer Vayikra and Bamidbar. [2], 16, 100; [2], 192 pp.
Volume II: Sefer Devarim and Shir Hashirim. [2], 199; 6, 5-102 pp. The title page of Shir Hashirim was misplaced in the binding.

Ownership signature: "יצחק בר"א דובער זלה"ה, מכר לר' מרדכי דוב בער סלונים". Stamp: "יצחק... אב"ד חברון?".

Stains. Mold stains. Moth damage. Wear to the upper part of the leaves and additional blemishes. Old, worn bindings. Fair overall condition. Some of the leaves are in poor condition.

The famed Chassid Rabbi Mordechai Dober Slonim (1840-1916) the son of Rabbi Yaakov Slonim of Hebron and the Rebbetzin Menucha Rachel, the daughter of the Mitteler Rebbe. An important Chabad Chassid and one of the managers of Kollel Chabad in the Holy Land. Was born in Lubavitch and was said to resemble his grandfather, the Mittleler Rebbe.