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LOT 43:

Luchot Habrit for the Synagogue - Wood with a Fine Color Illustration - Dedication from 1970

Vendu pour: $325
Prix de départ:
$ 100
Commission de la maison de ventes: 25%
TVA: 17% Seulement sur commission
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6.9.23 à Moreshet

Luchot Habrit for the Synagogue - Wood with a Fine Color Illustration - Dedication from 1970
Large wooden plate for the synagogue / Aron Kodesh. In its center, large, impressive Luchot Habrit, with the beginning of the Dibrot (not only the alphabet). Marble-like colored wood and black lettering. On both sides, impressive color illustrations of Rachel's Tomb and the Western Wall. On the lower part, a lengthy matching inscription: "זה השער לה' צדיקים יבואו בו".

It should be noted that the entire creation is made of a single wooden plate. Made in Jerusalem by the famed artist Rabbi Benzion Kletzkin, the father of the famed Kletzkin family. 

Dedication: "לע"נ... יוסף בקשי.. בן אסתר... ציון בקשי בן אסתר הי"ד שנהרג על קידוש ה'... כ"ה ניסן תש"ל.. מאת אשתו תחי'" (For the ascent of the soul of Yosef Bakshi ... ben Ester ... Zion Bakshi ben Ester who was killed on Kiddush Hashem ... Nissam 1970, by his wife) referring to two brothers who passed away in a short period of time. One of the brothers, private Ben-Zion Bakshi, was born in 1934 in Afghanistan. Immigrated to Israel in 1950. Was killed during a bombing of the Suez Canal on 1.5.1970. Left a wife and three children. 

Size: 100.5X63 cm. except for the wooden rod along its lower part. Thickness: 2 cm.  Varied minor blemishes - see pictures. Considerable peeling to the illustration of Rachel's Tomb. Good overall condition.