Vente 70 Partie 2 Special auction: American and British Jewry, Ashkenaz Jewry and a special collection of Rodelheim books
Par Moreshet
Harav Kook Street 10 Bnei Brak, Israël
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LOT 324:

Postcard Handwritten by Rabbi Shmuel Ephraim Tiktin of Jerusalem-New York, with Details about the Printing of the ...

Vendu pour: $120
Prix de départ:
$ 70
Commission de la maison de ventes: 25%
TVA: 17% Seulement sur commission
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5.12.23 à Moreshet

Postcard Handwritten by Rabbi Shmuel Ephraim Tiktin of Jerusalem-New York, with Details about the Printing of the Encyclopedia of Rabbis - New York, 1938

Original letter handwritten and signed by Rabbi Rabbi Shmuel Ephraim Tiktin, addressed to Rabbi Zvi Hacohen of New York, with a request for his biography so it could be printed in Todlot Harabbanim (Encyclopedia of Rabbis) - New York, 1938. 

Rabbi Tiktin was a prolific writer and editor of religious books.  During the 1930s. Rabbi Tiktim inititaed a project of printing an encyclopedia of Rabbis. To this end, Rabbi Tiktin published a 'call for proposal' requesting rabbis to send him their biography and picture. In this original letter, Rabbeinu writes to Rabbi Hacohen: "קבלתי בתודה את מכתבו הכולל פרטים קצרים מחייו, למען האנציקלופדיה לתולדות הרבנים, אבל רואה אנכי כי רוח ענווה יתרה לבשה אותו, כי כה מעטו דבריו בנוגע לתולדותיו, ואתפלא כי לא צרף למכתבו גם את תמונתו.. ואבקש מאתו לשלוח לי את תמונתו, והיה בידי דבר שלם" (I received with gratitude his letter that included short details of his life for the Encyclopedia of Rabbis, but I see that he is too modest since he wrote so little about his history and did not enclose his picture with his letter.. I shall ask him to send me his picture so I have a complete thing). The letter indicates Rabbi Tiktin was a leading disicple of Maran Rabbi Kook...

Apparently, Rabbi Tiktin did not manage to complete his mission and the encyclopedia was never published. 


8X14 cm. 

Stains. Good condition.