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LOT 37:

Rare Sefer Tehillim with a Touching Exilic Notation - Kishinev, 1926

Prix de départ:
$ 100
Commission de la maison de ventes: 25%
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11.2.24 à Moreshet

Rare Sefer Tehillim with a Touching Exilic Notation - Kishinev, 1926

Sefer Tehillim, Ben Zion Liberal Press - Kishinev, 1926. 79, [5] pp. Based on the original binding of this book, this is, apparently, a separate edition and not part of the Siddur as other known copies. Before each Mizmor, a short Yiddish explanation about the essence of the Mizmor and what it teaches. In the Rare Book Collection of the National lIbrary. 

Bound after the title page is an additional leaf - with a personal, handwritten notation, most touching not because of its content but because of the spelling mistakes it contains. The writer wrote down the words as they are pronounced; the result being so sweet - a peek into the life of Jews in the Diaspora and their lack of basic knowledge of Hebrew grammar. The content is three verses to be said before saying Tehillim: אטה ססר לי מיצר טיצרני רני פלט טסויבבני סלה, בטחו בהי אדי אד..." - אתה סתר לי מצר תצרני רני פלט תסובבני סלה, בטחו בה' עדי עד... At their end, their source: בעישעם האראק האצאדיק האקאדיש.. פיוחס מיקאריצ" - בשם הרה"ק הצדיק הקדוש פנחס מקאריץ.

Blemished binding. A single detached leaf. Tears, blemishes and stains. Good overall condition. 

Profound prayers!

In the Yiddish explanations before the Pslams, pen emphases were often added, accentuating verses that are a Segulah for success, Torah, good children, good living, good health, etc.  These indicate this copy was used by a Jew or Jewess with wonderous devotion and emotion. The owner of the copy had a warm heart and simple faith in the Creator. 

On verso of the binding, a sticker: "ר' הירש סאטינאווער נדב י'ב ס' תהלים בעבור ב"ה (בית הכנסת) מלבים זכותו של דוד המלך יגן עליו" (Rabbi Hirsch Satinover donated 12 Sifrei Tehillim to the Malbim synagogue, may King David's merit protect him). 

Varied foreign stamps, blurred.