Vente 75 Flagship Auction - Slavita shas, Cheftzei Kodesh, Pedigreed, Glosses, Letters and More
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LOT 16:

Copy of Rabbi Yitzchak Isaac Schor Author Minchah Chadasha and the Admor of Proshkov the Son of HaYehudi Hatov of ...

Vendu pour: $300
Prix de départ:
$ 300
Commission de la maison de ventes: 25%
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16.6.24 à Moreshet

Copy of Rabbi Yitzchak Isaac Schor Author Minchah Chadasha and the Admor of Proshkov the Son of HaYehudi Hatov of Gustinin - Basic Book: Shita Mekubetzet / Aseifat Zekenim on Masechet Bava Kama - First Edition Venice, 1762

Shita Mekubetzet / Aseifat Zekenim by Rabbi Bezalel Ashkenazi on Masechet Bava Kama - First Edition Venice, 1862. Stefansky Sifrei Yesod 62. The first editions of Sefer Shita Mekubetzet were printed in varied places, starting with Amsterdam 1721 to Livrono in 1810. This is the first edition of Shita Mekubetezt on Bava Kama. 187 leaves.

Elegant leather-covered wooden binding, with traces of metal buckles - scuffs and varied blemishes. Gilt edges and embossed decorations. Stains. Moth perforations and damage. Good overall condition. 

On the title page and several other places, signatures and notations handwritten by Rabbi Yitzchak Isaac Schor Av Beit Din of Yarychiv, one of them lengthy: "הצעיר יצחק אייזיק בהרב ה"ה מוהר"ר ישראל נרו יאיר, מגזע שור, כ"א תמוז התקל"ה, פה"ק שאריגארד יע"א". On the last leaf, a lengthy copying of the Rashba's words on Bava Kama handwritten by him. 

On verso of the last leaf, a fascinating notation with an interesting historical discovery. The notation is by Rabbi Yaakov who notes that he bought the book Minchah Chadasha from the widow of the Gaon Rav Rabbi Yitzchak Isaac Av Beit Din of Yarchyv in Iyar 1796. This Rabbi Yaakov is apparently the one whose signature appears on the title page (we did not manage to discover his identity). This is an important historical discovery since until now, it was assumed that the year of Rabbi Yitzchak Isaac's passing was 1800. This notation indicates that in Iyar 1796, he had already passed away. 

On the title page, the stamp of the Admor of Proshkov Rabbi Yisrael Moshe, the son of the Admor Rabbi Yechiel Meir, Der Gutter Yud fon Gustinin. 

Additional signatures and notations - not studied:

- הק' ישראל בהרב מהור"ר צבי הירש מקרא....?

- דובער.....?

The Gaon Rabbi Yitzchak Isaac Schor, Gaon Av Beit Din of Yarchyv (ca. 1730-ca. 1796), the son of the Gaon Rabbi Yisrael Schor the Rav of Yarchyv the son of the Mekubal Rabbi Yaakov Schor. The son-in-law od the famed Rabbi Meir of Mahlov. Author of Minchah Chadasha on the Shas and Likutei Hakemach on the prayer and more. Was one of the contemporary Geonim of Galicia. Corresponded on Halacha matters with other contemporary Geonim, the Ketzot Hachoshen and his brother the author of Kuntres Hasfeikot, Rabbi Meshulam Igra and more. His responses were published in contemporary Shut books.