Subasta 26 Books, Kodesh books, Hassidic books, Rabbinical letters, Manuscripts, Judaika objects and more
Por Moreshet
Harav Kook Street 10 Bnei Brak, Israel

Will take place on Monday 27 Cheshvan 5780 25 Nov. 2019

In the Achim Center of Rabbi Akiva st. 86, Bnei Brak At 20:00 Israel time (Israel time)

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LOTE 003:

A nice copy of the Siddur Ba’al Hatanya: The order of the prayer according to the liturgy of the Ari, Zhitomir ...

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$ 3 000
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25.11.19 en Moreshet

A nice copy of the Siddur Ba’al Hatanya: The order of the prayer according to the liturgy of the Ari, Zhitomir 1863/Warsaw 1867, the copy of Rabbi Zalman Havlin
The order of prayer according to the liturgy of the Ari, “With the meaning of the words… and including kavanot for tzitzit, tefillin and prayer… arranged and based on the kavanot of the Ari by the great Rebbe…Rabbi Shnuer Zalman…”. The first section [for weekdays]: The printing press of the partners Rabbi Chananya Lipa Shapiro and Rabbi Yehoshua Heschel Shapiro the grandsons of the rabbi of Slavita, Zhitomit 1863. [2], 153 leaves. On the title page is the signature of Rabbi Zalman Havlin – slightly cut off. Worming holes filled in with paper, stains and slight damage, it was professionally restored and rebound in a binding with gold embossments. Very good general condition. Part two [shabbat, festivals and high holy days]: Warsaw, 1867. 62, 94 leaves. Restored tears, stains and slight damage, it was professionally restored and rebound in a binding with gold embossments. Very good general condition. The prayer book of the Ba’al HaTanya that is also called “Prayer book with the words of the living G-d [as the chassidic teachings of the Lubavitcher rebbes are called]. This is the first work of teachings of the Alter Rebbe Rabbi Shneur Zalman of Liadi, the “Ba’al HaTanya”, printed in 1816 in Kopust by his son the Mittler Rebbe after his father’s death. The book contains the liturgy of the prayers as established by the Alter Rebbe [the wording of the prayer book, the laws and two chassidic articles written and arranged by the Alter Rebbe and printed several times in his lifetime] alongside chassidic articles he wrote that explain the liturgies of the prayers and their connection with the mitzvot and festivals mentioned in the prayer book. In most of the editions the liturgy of the prayer was printed in the middle with the explanations around it. The copy before us is the fifth edition that was printed in 1863 in Zhitomir, and most of the subsequent editions followed the format of this edition [this edition contains additional teachings that were first added to the 1818 Berdichev edition and did not appear in the first edition]. The second part before us was printed in Warsaw several years later. Rabbi Shlomo Zalman Havlin (1877-1936), manager of the Lubavitch Tomchei Tememim yeshiva in Horodisch and founder of the Torat Emet yeshivot in Hebron and in Jerusalem. A disciple of the Rebbe Rashab and the Rebbe Rayatz. He helped Lubavitcher chassidim from the Soviet Union with their needs, and in their struggle to obtain certificates to immigrate to Israel. For more information about him see: Hamashpia – Toldot Harav Shlomo Zalman Havlin… history of Chabad, the Jewish settlement in Hebron and the history of the Jewish settlement in the Holy Land… Jerusalem, 1982; Torat Emet – A hundred years of Lubavitch in the Holy Land, published by Chazak, 2012.