Subasta 26 Books, Kodesh books, Hassidic books, Rabbinical letters, Manuscripts, Judaika objects and more
Por Moreshet
Harav Kook Street 10 Bnei Brak, Israel

Will take place on Monday 27 Cheshvan 5780 25 Nov. 2019

In the Achim Center of Rabbi Akiva st. 86, Bnei Brak At 20:00 Israel time (Israel time)

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ספר סגולה
A collection of 2 different copies of the pesach ...

Vendido por: $300
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$ 300
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25.11.19 en Moreshet

A collection of 2 different copies of the pesach Haggadah with illustrations, labels and translation into English that were given as a gift from the Rabeinu Jacob Josef yeshiva (RJJ). 1. A pesach Haggadah with a soft cover from cardboard upon which is a print in blue and red, with the name of the yeshiva and a picture of Rabbi Yaacov Yoseph the chief rabbi on the back on the background of pictures of the yeshiva. 2. A peesach Haggadah with musical notes, with a hard red cover with gold embossing. On the last page is a portrait picture of the chief rabbi the yeshiva was named after. In both copies, in the inside cover before and after the Haggadah there is writing in Yiddish and English about the yeshiva stating that: The yeshiva has over 650 students. The yeshiva’s expenses already amount to almost $100,000 a year. It is interesting to note that there is a separate text that relates that over 50% of the students accepted to the Rabbeinu Yitzchak Elchananan yeshiva in the previous semester were graduates of RJJ. Tears, primarily in the connection to the binding in both haggadot. Good general condition. The RJJ yeshiva was founded in 1903 and named after the chief rabbi Rabbi Yaakov Yoseph [Charif] (1841 – 1902), a student of the Volozhin yeshiva and one of the foremost disciples of Rabbi Yisrael Salanter. He served as the rabbi of several communities in Lithuania. He was the first and only chief rabbi of the city of New York and the founder of the Rabbinic Council of America. He was known as a talented speaker, and thousands of people flocked to hear his speeches. Author of the book L’Beit Yaakov. He fought courageously for the kashrut of meat in the U.S. and suffered much persecution due to such. In recent years the masses have begun to visit his grave in the Union Field cemetery near Lakewood after rumors began to spread about miracles personally witnessed by those who prayed there.
The book Or Haganuz and the second part named V’zot L’Yehuda by Rabbi Yehuda Leib Hakohen from Hanipol, a rare segulah book that received approbations from the foremost chassidic leaders. With an approbation from the author of the Tzemach Tzedek of Lubavitch – the only book that received an approbation from him. Approbations from the Chidushei HaRim of Gur, the Divrei Chaim of Sanz, Rabbi Mordechai – the Maggid of Chernobyl writes about the segulah and protection brought about by owning this book: “And every person should buy themselves a copy of this holy book as wonderful merit and protection for himself and his children throughout the generations.” His holy sons – Rabbi Aharon of Chernobyl, Rabbi Avraham of Trisk and Rabbi David of Tolna who also wrote approbations for the book, wrote again about the segulah their father mentioned: “And our father the Rebbe told us that these holy books will protect whoever buys them…” In the publisher’s introduction the author’s grandson also writes “…And bring blessing and protection into your homes. Especially when the righteous leaders of this generation wrote that this work is protection and blessing for the house.” The book contains chassidic teachings on the Torah, and the second section V’Zot L’Yehuda [with a separate title page] deals with explanations of mishnayot on the level of remez and sod. The title page and some of the approbations are missing, tears in the page margins with no text missing. Ownership signature of the kabbalist Mordechai Moshe Karfman of Jerusalem. 84 leaves, 33 leaves. A small number of worming holes, moderate general condition. Rabbi Yehuda Leib Hakohen of Hanipol, one of the foremost disciples of the Maggid of Mezeritch, who even served as a cantor for him. One of the two people to write approbations on the Tanya (alongside Rabbi Zusha of Hanipol), where he is referred to as “The famous chassid, man of G-d, who is called holy”. He also served as a maggid in the city of Hanipol. He died in 1807 and was buried in Hanipol alongside his rabbi the Maggid of Mezeritch.