Vente 76 Special Chabad Auction for Gimel Tamuz - 30 Years of Longing
Par Moreshet
Lundi, 15.7.24, 20:00
Harav Kook Street 10 Bnei Brak, Israël
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LOT 9:

Many Original Issues of the HaKeriah VeHaKedusha - New York, 1940-45.

Prix incluant la commission: $ 62,50
Prix de départ:
$ 50
Commission de la maison de ventes: 25%
TVA: 17% Seulement sur commission
Les utilisateurs venant de pays étrangers peuvent être exempts de payer des taxes, selon les réglementations de taxation correspondantes
tags: Chabad

Many Original Issues of the HaKeriah VeHaKedusha - New York, 1940-45.

The monthly journal HaKeriah VeHaKedusha, published between 1940-45, “with the support and blessing of the Admor, Shlita, of Lubavitch.”

In this journal, articles and Sichot of the Admor the Rayatz were published, as well as four Kol Koreh announcements from the Rebbe “LeAltar LiTeshuva and LeAltar LiGeulah”. The Rayatz in his letters praises this journal, saying that “it contains within it the necessary measure of air for one’s breath for all those who study Torah.” In some issues, there was a section called Otiyot Porchot introducing difficult passages written by the Rayatz . Chassidim saw in these lists Divine prophecies. Some hinted at world events; one was interpreted by the editor of the journal as predicting the invasion of the Allies during World War II, which happened three months after it appeared in the journal.

Non-consecutive issues:  8-11, 13-14, 16-17, 20-22, 24, 26-38, 40-42, 44, 49-55, 57, 59-61. A total of 40 issues. 

Some of the issues are printed on dry, brittle paper. Tears and varied blemishes - some affecting the text.