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LOTE 137:

Rodionov Nikita Vladimirovich, from the series "Emperors of the Russian Empire on their favorite horses" ...

Precio: 4 000p
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4 000 p
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etiquetas: Pinturas

Rodionov Nikita Vladimirovich, from the series "Emperors of the Russian Empire on their favorite horses", "Alexander I". 1990-2000s. Paper, autolithography.
Dimensions: 32 х 34 сm [impression], 45 х 44 сm [sheet].
Underlines: author's signature in the lower right corner in lead pencil under the impression.
Artwork in good preservation.
Tsar Nikolay Pavlovich's reign, late 1840s. Summer park in Tsarskoye Selo, where the so-called Retirement stables were located for the Tsar's chargers.
On the lawn, a gray-haired stallion that belonged to Alexander I. is nibbling on the grass. The horse has long been a living relic.
 On this horse the Russian emperor rode into defeated Paris in 1814, more than 30 years ago. The horse had outlived its rider by at least 20 years.
Mrs. A.P. Saltykova (daughter of General-Lieutenant Vitovtov) saw this horse with her own eyes between the Hungarian uprising of 1848 and the Crimean War (Russian archive No. 124).
According to one version, the Emperor's favorite horse was Mars, but the Emperor rode into Paris on a horse called Eclipse, which Napoleon gave to Alexander at Tilsit in 1807, after signing a not too honorable for Russia peace. According to another version, the stallion was presented by the French ambassador Caulaincourt in 1808.
 Engraver: Rodionov Nikita Vladimirovich (1947-1998) is a graphic artist, book illustrator, member of the Association of Artists. Belongs to the third generation of the famous creative dynasty. Studied at Moscow Polygraphic Institute under А. Goncharov, B. Basov, V. Lyakhov. He was fluent in various types of printmaking, worked in etching and lithography for many years. Worked a lot for “Murzilka” magazine.

罗季奥诺夫尼基塔(Rodionov Nikita), 自一系列“俄罗斯帝国的皇帝们在他们最爱的骑马上”,“亚历山大一世”。1990-2000年代。纸,自画 石印术。
尼科莱一世皇机,1840年代后期。夏天公园在沙皇村,那里位于所谓“退休马的马房”- 沙皇的 队列老马的地方。
萨尔特科瓦女士(维托夫托夫中将的女儿)见过这一匹公马1848 年匈牙利起义与克里米亚战争之间(俄罗斯档案№ 124)。
根据其中一个版本,皇帝最喜欢的公马是叫马尔斯,不过皇帝进入巴黎骑着埃克利普斯公马上。埃克利普斯公马是 拿破仑送给亚历山大在季利济特市1807年,签署和解协议以后(对俄罗斯国家不是很可敬的和解协议)。根据 其中别的版本,这一匹公马是法国大使叫科连库尔送给了 在1808年。
版画家:罗季奥诺夫尼基塔(1947-1998)-图形艺术家,图书插画家,美术家协会员。他属于著名创意 王朝的第三代。在莫斯科印刷学院向贡恰罗夫, 巴索夫, 利亚霍夫学习过。几年以来创作在蚀刻和石印术技巧的时候,他运用自如不同印图形种类。他为“穆尔济尔卡&q uot;杂志工作了很多。