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Pri Chadash, Yoreh De'ah – Fürth, 1769 – Lengthy Glosses Handwritten by the Yismach Moshe – Copy of His Disciple ...

Venduto per: $32 000
Prezzo iniziale:
$ 10 000
Prezzo stimato :
$15 000 - $25 000
Commissione per la casa d'aste: 25%
IVA: 17% Solo su commissione
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24.11.20 in Kedem

Pri Chadash, Yoreh De'ah – Fürth, 1769 – Lengthy Glosses Handwritten by the Yismach Moshe – Copy of His Disciple, R. Yisrael Efraim Fischel Schreiber (Sofer) Rabbi of Nanash, Author of Afsei Aretz

Shulchan Aruch Yoreh De'ah (sections 1-122), with the Pri Chadash commentary by R. Chizkiya da Silva. Fürth, [1769].
This copy was in the possession of R. Moshe Teitelbaum Rabbi of Ujhel (Sátoraljaújhely), author of Yismach Moshe, and bears several glosses handwritten by him:
Section 29 (pp. 16b-17a) contains three lengthy glosses on the laws of Terefot, handwritten by the Yismach Moshe. These glosses were published in Kerem Shlomo, 143, pp. 10-11.
In section 69 (p. 55a), there is a one-word gloss handwritten by the Yismach Moshe (this gloss was not published in the above-mentioned anthology).
Two other glosses on p. 54a (one word) and p. 89b, possibly also handwritten by the Yismach Moshe.
Most of the glosses are trimmed.
The Yismach Moshe was accustomed to recording his notes in the margins of his books (see: Yitav Panim, Lviv 1883, p. 154b, note 4; HaGaon HaKadosh Baal Yismach Moshe, Brooklyn 1984, pp. 177-178; Kedem Auction 72, item 131).
Stamps on several leaves, of the disciple of the Yismach Moshe – R. Yisrael Efraim Fischel Schreiber (Sofer), Rabbi of Nanash (Hajdúnánás), author of Afsei Aretz.
R. Yisrael Efraim Fischel Schreiber (Sofer), Rabbi of Nanash (1822-1899, Encyclopedia L'Chassidut, II, pp. 584-585; HaChatam Sofer VeTalmidav, pp. 278-280). His mother's father was the son-in-law of R. Yisrael Yehuda Teitelbaum – only brother of the Yismach Moshe. R. Efraim Fischel was a close disciple of his great-uncle the Yismach Moshe, of the Chatam Sofer, of the Divrei Chaim of Sanz and of Rebbe Tzvi Hirsh Rabbi of Liska, author of Ach Pri Tevua. He was a close friend of the Yitav Lev, Rebbe of Sighet, "and [the latter] knew him already in his youth, when his sun shone in Ujhel" (from his son-in-law's foreword to Afsei Aretz). In 1862, he was appointed rabbi of Nanash, Hungary, a position he held for thirty-eight years, until his passing. The Yitav Lev praised him: "Of all the Hungarian rabbis of our times, no one is as exceptional as the rabbi of Nanash, [who is] full of Torah and wisdom, fear of G-d and greatness" (ibid.). His writings were published after his passing in the three parts of Afsei Aretz on the Torah (Munkacs, 1900-1912).
[1], 116, 116, 116-129 leaves. 30 cm. Good-fair condition. Stains and wear. Open tears to title page and other leaves, affecting text, repaired with paper. Large open tears to final leaves, with photocopy replacement of missing text. Margins trimmed, affecting glosses. Stamps (on title page, stamps of the Israelitische Religionsgesellschaft zu Mainz). New leather binding.

R. Moshe Teitelbaum, Rabbi of Ujhel (1759-1841), was an illustrious Chassidic leader in Hungary and Galicia. An outstanding Torah scholar and G-dly Kabbalist, sharp and proficient in all facets of Torah, revealed as well as hidden. During his lifetime he was renowned as a holy G-dly man and a wonder-worker benefiting from Divine Inspiration. He first served in the Shinova (Sieniawa) rabbinate from 1785-1808, and in 1808, was appointed rabbi of Ujhel (Satoraljaujhely) and its region. During the first half of his life, R. Moshe was an opponent of Chassidut, and in his youth, he travelled to Vilna to study Torah from the Vilna Gaon (R. B. Landau, HaGaon HeChassid MiVilna, p. 291, in the name of R. Zalman Weber. The Klausenburg Rebbe cites an interesting testimony from that visit, which his great-grandfather the Yismach Moshe related about the conduct of the Vilna Gaon with his disciples – Responsa Divrei Yatziv, Part IV, Yoreh De'ah, section 131). Over the years, R. Moshe gravitated towards Chassidut, influenced by his son-in-law R. Aryeh Leib Lifshitz of Vishnitsaý, author of the Responsa Aryeh D'Bei Ila'i, who convinced him to travel to the Chozeh of Lublin. There, R. Moshe saw revelations of Divine Inspiration, and became the Chozeh's close disciple, adhering to Chassidut and disseminating its doctrines. This transformation took place while he was still officiating as rabbi of Shinova. He also travelled to the Ohev Yisrael of Apta. From 1815, R. Moshe began distributing amulets to those requiring salvation and "the pen cannot properly describe the wonders performed by those amulets". Reputedly, he deliberated whether to continue writing amulets until he heard a pronouncement from Heaven: "Do not fear for I am with you" (Tehilla L'Moshe). Until this day, most of the texts of amulets and "protections" in Ashkenazi countries are attributed to the Yismach Moshe, including the printed text of the "Protection for the infant and the mother" and "Protection from epidemic". The text of the renowned Kerestir amulets, inscribed by Chassidic rebbes for safeguarding home and property, also originates from him.

His published writings include the well-known books of homilies - Yismach Moshe on the Torah, Megillot and on Talmudic Aggadot, Tefilla L'Moshe on Tehillim, Responsa Heshiv Moshe and other books. His book Maayan Tahor, with the laws of Nidda in Yiddish for Jewish women, was appended to many siddurim.