Subasta 37 A special Chabad auction on the honor of the 70th of the presidency of the Lubavitcher Rebbe on Yud Shvat, 5711 - 5781
Harav Kook Street 10 Bnei Brak, Israel

Auction No. 37 It will be held on Wednesday the 29th of the Tevet 5781 • 13.01.2020 • At 19:00 Israel time Have questions about items? You can also contact us via WhatsApp at: +972-3-9050090
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LOTE 110:

Rare: original lithograph with a facsimile of a general letter of the Rayatz. Printed 1925

Vendido por: $100
Precio inicial:
$ 100
Comisión de la casa de subasta: 23%
IVA: 17% Sólo en comisión
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Rare: original lithograph with a facsimile of a general letter of the Rayatz. Printed 1925
Rare document printed in 1925, an original lithograph facsimile of a general letter sent by the Rayatz on the 7th of Shvat 1925, a photocopy of the handwriting of the Rebbe, printed when he was in Leningrad and sent to all members of the Chabad movement around the world. He writes: “Each and every member…should try and strengthen himself in kviyat itim for the study of Torah…to set the 2nd of Nissan…as a day of study and hitva’adut of the members, with friendly love…”. The Rebbe explains the minhag of the Yom Hilula as still practiced today. At the end he writes: “Attached to this I send a ma’amar on the actions of tzaddikim…it should be studied on the Yom Hilula, in addition to the usual seder…” He ends with a blessing “may you be blessed with a triple blessing”, and signs. [1] lithograph facsimile. Moth holes, creases, and stains. Content appears in Igrot HaKdoesh of the Rayatz, Section 1, #260, p. 452-453. In the notes is written there: “Printed in Sefer HaToldot, Section 3, p. 318 and notated from a copy of a manuscript. This is a rare page, since lone printed pages almost never survive over the years.