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Israeliana, Judaica, Books, Signed Books, Art Books, Wine, Pictures
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LOTE 22:
Yiddish Literature: Uri Zvi Grinberg - Collected Yiddish Works Signed and dedicated to Yitzhak Pugacz and his wife
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Yiddish Literature: Uri Zvi Grinberg - Collected Yiddish Works Signed and dedicated to Yitzhak Pugacz and his wife
2 volumes, 1979
651 pages
18.5 x 27 cm
1791 grams
Good condition
Before the title-page there is a dedication by the author in his handwriting, "to Ruth and Yitzhak with friendship"
Yitzhak Pugacz, Painter. 1919 - 2017 . Immigrated 1939. Teaching: 1939 Bezalel, Jerusalem, head of painting department. Prizes: Ministry of Education Prize; Jerusalem Prize; Bezalel Prize. 1963 Represented Israel at International Exhibitiion, Tours, France. 1970 Published book "Picture and Poem" with poems of Amichai.