The auction will take place on Tuesday, May 14, 2019 at 18:00 (Israel time). With a proclamation.
LOTE 27:
Manuscripts of Students of the Immigrant School in Haifa - A Funny Newspaper, Purim 1934 / Mazofet Newspaper - ...
Precio inicial:
Comisión de la casa de subasta: 20%
IVA: 17%
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Manuscripts of Students of the Immigrant School in Haifa - A Funny Newspaper, Purim 1934 / Mazofet Newspaper - One-Time Booklet for Purim by Haim Shalmoni, 1937 [?]
* 21 Handwritten leaves Fifth graders at the school of immigrant children in Haifa [1934], including text for a humorous newspaper that was due to be published under the auspices of the Purim school that year ["Mishloach Manot": Perger - a lock to the mouth and a ticket to return to Russia, Lee - Cohen - a vocabulary of foreign words ... Dr. Niger - polished shoes made in Israel'].