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Chazzan HaKnesset – Illustrated Manuscript on Parchment – Brill Shul in Pressburg, at the Time of the Chatam Sofer ...

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2.12.15 in Kedem

Chazzan HaKnesset – Illustrated Manuscript on Parchment – Brill Shul in Pressburg, at the Time of the Chatam Sofer – 1811
Manuscript on parchment, Chazzan HaKnesset, prayers for the chazzan (cantor) and the gabai at the time of the Torah Reading. [Pressburg, during the Chatam Sofer's term in the rabbinate, ca. 1811].
Manuscript on parchment. Square vowelized script. Written and illustrated in various colors and with golden ink. Initials and titles in colored ink.
Contains: Yehi Ratzon recited after reading the Torah on weekdays, the blessings on the Haftara [for Shabbat, the three Festivals, Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur]; the haftara for public fast-days, Yekum Purkan and Mi She'Berach, prayer for the Royal Family, Birkat HaChodesh, Yizkor for Festivals and High Holidays, prayers for the toke'ah and before hearing the teki'ot with kavanot, the blessing recited before reading the megilla with piyyutim, Shinui HaShem.
On Page 7, the word Yekum (of Yekum Purkan) is framed by leaves and flowers, encircling a pair of lions.
A prayer for the Royal Family appears on page 9, "G-d who created the heavens and the earth… should bless and protect… our Master of High Lineage The Mighty Compassionate Caesar [blank] and the Queen The Lady… [blank]…". The first words of the prayer are framed and embellished with a large crown, a pair of lions and a human face, Rocailles and vegetal patterns.
This manuscript belonged to the Brill Shul in Pressburg during the time of the Chatam Sofer. The synagogue is named after its founder – Rabbi Azriel Brill [Brilin]. Written on the margins of Page 13 at a later date [after the death of R' Azriel and his wife] is an inscription: "G-d should remember the soul of Azriel son of Chana and his wife, Troyla bat Ruchama for donating for this synagogue …". This manuscript with its special prayer for R' Azriel and his wife is mentioned in the book Avnei Beit HaYotzer about the Pressburg community, by Yitzchak Weiss, Paks 1900, Leaf 73: "Rabbi Azriel Brilin… built… the impressive synagogue… named after him… and in this merit we mention his soul and the soul of his pious wife… at each of the Three Festivals and on the holy day of Yom Kippur. This is the wording of the Yizkor we say for them: G-d should remember the soul of Azriel son of Chana and the soul of his wife Troyla bat Ruchama for donating this synagogue… and this 'Yizkor' is written in his 'Knesset', on parchment…".
Rabbi Azriel Brill (died in 1818), was a leader of the Pressburg community. His signature appears on the Ktav Rabbanut of the Chatam Sofer. Besides his wealth, he was also a Torah scholar and in his youth he taught Torah and had many disciples. From a young age until his senior years he fasted regularly and his wealth distressed him throughout his life. The Chatam Sofer eulogized him and among other praises he said: “The glory of our community… diligent and sharp in Torah knowledge and taught disciples… he was our ‘eyes’ in all matters… and performed all types of chesed, supported widows and orphans and the weak and infirm… a great man… never asked for honor… not for his Torah and not for his wealth…”. See enclosed material.
Added to this manuscript is a strip of parchment from a later time upon which is written: “L’Zikaron – the yartzeit of the Tsaddik Azriel Brilin on the 23rd of Iyar… he established this synagogue which is named after him… and also donated the Sefer Torah and the holy vessels for this synagogue, and the yartzeit of his pious wife Ms. Troyla…”.
22 pages. 27.5 cm. Overall good condition. Stains, ink smears in several places. New leather binding.