Subasta 42 Rare and Important Items
25.11.14 (Your local time)
 8 Ramban St, Jerusalem.
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LOTE 10:

Tefillat Yisrael – A printed Leaf in Honor of the Coronation of Tsar Alexander the III – Jerusalem, 1883

Vendido por: $1,000
Precio inicial:
$ 500
Comisión de la casa de subasta: 23%
IVA: Sólo en comisión

"A prayer of the Jews who live in the holy city of Jerusalem in honor of the coronation day of the magnificent Caesar Alexander the III… the Russian Tsar…". [Jerusalem], 1883. Unknown printing house.
A leaf printed in golden ink. Prayer and blessing for Tsar Alexander, for his wife Maria Feodorovna and for his son Nicholai (the II). The prayer was conducted in his honor in the Beit Ya'akov synagogue in Jerusalem.
Leaf, 32 cm. Good-fair condition. Tears on the folding marks.
Bibliographically unknown.