Subasta 21 Jewish and Israeli History and Culture
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LOTE 43:

Eretz Israel Calendars edited by Avraham Moshe Luntz, 1895-1912

Vendido por: $250
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$ 250
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22.3.12 en Kedem

Eretz Israel Calendars edited by Avraham Moshe Luntz, 1895-1912
A useful and literary Eretz Israel calendar edited by Avraham Moshe Luntz. Printed and published by the editor, Jerusalem, [1895-1912].
Eleven calendars for the years: 1896, 1897, 1900, 1904, 1905, 1906, 1908, 1909, 1910, 1911, 1913 (21 calendars have been printed, for the years 1895-1916). The calendars include useful information about Eretz Israel side by side with literary and poetic passages. In the 1900 calendar appear a signature of Rabbi Yehuda Yudl Rosenberg and a folded leaf: a glory poem for Baron Rothschild in the shape of a cedar tree. Average size 16.5 cm. Condition varies, fair-good. Several missing leaves and covers.