Subasta 19 Books, Manuscripts and Rabbinical Letters
13.12.11 (Your local time)
 8 Ramban St, Jerusalem.
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LOTE 18:

Collection of Printed Leaves and Proclamations - Charedi Settlement in Eretz Israel

Precio inicial:
$ 200
Comisión de la casa de subasta: 23%
IVA: Sólo en comisión

* "Building Eretz Israel by Charedim" - Detailed memorandum by Rabbi Ya'akov Yosef Dzimitrovsky, Rabbi in "Nachlat Shiva" neighbourhood. * "Kol Barama Nishma" - Rabbis' call to purchase land near "Rachel's Tomb". Jerusalem, 1908. * "Call for Assistance"; "Summary of the Association's Spiritual Regulations" - various publications by the Ramatayim Tzofim association, Jerusalem, 1924-1931. ["Ramatayim Tzofim" was an association for establishing charedi settlements in Eretz Israel, its primary activity was purchasing land near the tomb of Shmuel Hanavi. The association's secretary and one of its founders was Rabbi Amram Blau renowned as head of "Neturei Karta". Later, the Ramot neighborhood was built on some of the association's land that was expropriated].
Six items, various sizes and conditions (half of one document is missing).