Bidding Leilões informs that, considering the current public health emergency situation that we are passing through and by law enforcement, all the activity of doing exhibitions and live auctions will be suspended by undetermined period.
We'll be following closely the Direcção Geral de Saúde recommendations and will inform our clients as soon as there's so changes.
Our March 24th auction, at 19:30h, will be held at close doors and can be followed through the online platform where our clients can register to bid or using our traditional purchase orders.
Check our catalog at
We further inform that our online auctions will still be running on a weekly basis and the respective deliveries to the buyer's home will be done by the courier "Iberomail" whose price table is in attachment.
We're available through our usual contact: and/or 936044455.
The Management
פריט 348:
"Mulheres sentadas" - FERREIRA DA SILVA (NASC. 1928)
נמכר ב: €20
מחיר פתיחה:
עמלת בית המכירות: 18%
"Mulheres sentadas" - FERREIRA DA SILVA (NASC. 1928)
xilogravura a duas cores sobre papel, assinada e datada de 1960, numerada 32/150, pequenos defeitos, sem moldura. Dim. - 46 x 32 cm #AAVV - "A doce e ácida incisão/A gravura em contexto (1956-2004)", Coord. Col. Da CGD/Museu do Neo-Realismo, Catálogo da exposição temporária, Lisboa: 2013, pp. 308 nº 81