Auction 64
By Aste Dams
May 5, 2020
Via Aurelia, 61 - 00165 Rome, Italy

Timed auction.

Clock will start at 9am and for each lot there will be 240 seconds for bidding.

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LOT 343:

Lot of five volumes on twentieth century art

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Start price:
05/05/2020 at Aste Dams

Lot of five volumes on twentieth century art

Pablo Picasso. Gli ultimi anni, Roma: Carte Segrete 1987. 

Salvatore Provino. Geometrie: linguaggio, simbolo, ideologia, Roma: Editrice Magma 1976. 

A. Schwarz, Man Ray. Il rigore dell'immaginazione, Milano: Feltrinelli 1977. 

Savino, gli anni di Parigi, dipinti 1927-1932, Milano: Electa 1990. 

A.  Jouffroy, Franco Gentilini, Milano: Fabbri Editori 1987.

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