Leilão 179
Por Sovcom
МОСКВА, УЛ. ЩЕПКИНА, Д. 28, Rússia

Предаукционная выставка открыта с 15 по 28 июня 2023 года. Работает ежедневно в будние дни с 11.00 до 18.00.

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LOTE 31:

Meshcheryakov Petr Tikhonovich
Into a new life.

Preço inicial:
1 500 000 р
Preço estimado :
1 500 000p - 3 000 000p
Comissão da leiloeira: 17% Mais detalhes
29.6.23 em Sovcom

Into a new life.
Year: The beginning of the 1930s.
Technique: Oil on canvas.
Size: 98,5х133,3. Экспертиза ЦХЭ И.Е. Репина.

Certificate by the Center for Artistic Expertise named after I.E. Repin.

Meshcheryakov Petr Tikhonovich (1893–1953).

Soviet painter. Author of genre and historical paintings on the historical and revolutionary theme. Member of the Union of Artists of the USSR. He received his art education at the Kazan Art School, from which he graduated in 1914. He studied at the Faculty of Painting under P. P. Konchalovsky, I. I. Mashkov, R. R. Falk. In 1914 he was mobilized and took part in the imperialist war. Member of the CPSU (b). An active participant in the civil war, fought near Kazan, Yekaterinburg, Tsaritsyn. Conducted organizational and artistic work in Birsk, Crimea, etc. In the autumn of 1924 he entered the Higher Artistic and Technical Workshops (Vkhutemas). He studied at the Faculty of Painting under P. P. Konchalovsky, I. I. Mashkov, R. R. Falk. Vkhutein graduated in 1929. One of the leaders of the OMAHR, was a member of the AHR, one of the organizers of the RAPH. Pyotr Meshcheryakov is one of the founders of the Moscow Union of Artists. In 1925 he traveled to Paris with an exhibition of works by Soviet artists. Participated in many all-Union exhibitions, including the major "Fifteen Years of the Workers' and Peasants' Red Army" (1933). At the exhibition he presented a picture of the Battle near the village of Kindery under the leadership of Comrade Azin. Possessing outstanding organizational skills, Pyotr Meshcheryakov was one of the founders and the first director (1939–1940) of the famous Moscow Secondary Art School (MSHSH, now the lyceum on Krymskaya). He put a lot of effort into the organization of the school. He was sensitive to the guys, attentive and at the same time strict; they loved him and called him "our Suvorov." In the 1920s, a staunch Akhrovite who adopted the method of socialist realism in the 1930s, a realist artist, Pyotr Meshcheryakov, adhered to conservative traditions throughout his entire creative life. He traveled a lot around the country, painted portraits of leading workers and noble people of the country, landscapes and genre paintings on topics in demand in the 1930s: “Fighting the Basmachi”, “Entering the collective farm”, “Speech by Nadezhda Krupskaya on the Kama in front of the soldiers of the Red Army”, "Two Brothers", "Dispossession", "In the Kuzbass", "Giant Collective Farm", "The Capture of Izhevsk", "The Capture of Sverdlovsk", "The Struggle of the Miners of the City of Kizil for Soviet Power", "Blucher's Crossing over the Ufimka River" and others. He traveled to the front as an artist-correspondent (1944-1945), and later worked on paintings about the Great Patriotic War. P. T. Meshcheryakov was the director of the Painting and Exhibition Complex (1948–1951). Reproductions of the artist's paintings were printed in Izogiz. The works of Pyotr Meshcheryakov are in museums in Russia, in private Russian and foreign collections.