Auction 15 A Special Major Sale. Part 2: Rabbinical Letters, Rare Books & Manuscripts.
By Taj Art
Nov 25, 2024
Jerusalem, Israel
The auction has ended

LOT 105:

Tochachat Meguleh VeHaTzad Nachash. Polemic of Nechemya Hayun. London, 1715. Sabbatean Polemic.

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Sold for: $1,100 (₪4,070)
Start price:
$ 500
Estimated price :
$1,000 - $1,500
Buyer's Premium: 25% More details
VAT: 18% On commission only
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Auction took place on Nov 25, 2024 at Taj Art
tags: Books

Tochachat Meguleh VeHaTzad Nachash. Polemic of Nechemya Hayun. London, 1715. Sabbatean Polemic.

The book, Tochachat Meguleh VeHaTzad Nachash; two polemics authored by Rabbi Yosef Irgas, opposing the Sabbatian, Nechemya Hayun.

In his composition, Tochachat Meguleh, the author, the Kabbalist Rabbi Yosef Irgas, author of ‘Shomer Emunim HaKadmon’, harshly attacks the Sabbatian, Nechemya Hayun. Hayun propagated his Sabbatian belief in his book, Oz Lelokim. In response to this attack, Hayun published his book, Shalhevet Kah, printed in Amsterdam in 1714. Rabbi Yosef proceeded with his counterattack in a booklet, ‘HaTzad Nachash.”

On the verso of the title page is an introduction written by the one who brought the book to print, Rabbi Moshe Chagiz, one of the greatest opponents of Chayun.

The composition, Tochachat Meguleh was likely first printed in 1714 although there are no known surviving copies of that edition. This edition was reprinted along with the book, ‘HaTzad Nachash’ which does not appear in the first edition. (See: M. Friedman, Letters on the topic of the Hayun Polemic, Sfonot, 10, 1966 p.618, No. 20).
London, 1715.

[2], 62 leaves. Great condition. Quality, thick, light-colored paper. Renewed binding.
Particularly striking copy of a most significant polemic against Sabbateanism and its leaders.

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