Vente 59 Partie 1 FIELD of MIRACLES with a psychiatric bias
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Москва Набережная Тараса Шевченко д.3., Russie
Golden autumn will delight you with new and unusual. Books, posters, paintings, photos, documents including doctors and patients.
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LOT 90:

Sikorsky I. A. Fundamentals of theoretical and clinical psychiatry with a brief outline of forensic psychology.

Prix: 3 600р
Prix de départ:
1 000 р
Commission de la maison de ventes: 20% Plus de détails

Sikorsky I. A. Fundamentals of theoretical and clinical psychiatry with a brief outline of forensic psychology.
Kiev. Printing House Of S. V. Kulzhenko. 1910, p. 702 Hardcover, 19.5 x 27 cm. Postmarked ex-libris, torn spine, notes.

Richly illustrated edition with a huge number of drawings, photo illustrations and diagrams in the text. Ivan Alekseyevich Sikorsky (1842-1919) was a Russian psychiatrist, publicist, Professor at St. Vladimir's University of Kiev, and an honorary member of the Kiev theological Academy. Founder of the journal " Questions of neuropsychic medicine and psychology`, the Medical and pedagogical Institute for mentally retarded children and the Institute of child psychopathology. Father of the outstanding Russian and American aircraft designer Igor Ivanovich Sikorsky. Sikorsky's scientific works initially related to various issues of pathological anatomy, and later to clinical psychiatry and pedagogy. They are scattered in special magazines, Russian and foreign. In addition, he wrote a very valuable monograph 'On stuttering' (St. Petersburg, 1889), also translated into German. In total, the scientist wrote more than a hundred scientific papers in various fields of medicine, biology and pedagogy. Sikorsky was a member of the Society of Russian doctors, an honorary member of the Kiev Theological Academy, Chairman of the Kiev psychiatric society, and a member of a number of foreign scientific societies. The scientist was awarded the Yushenov prize from the Military medical Academy (1907), received an honorary review from the Congress on education in Liege. In 1913, I. A. Sikorsky acted as an expert and witness for the prosecution in the Beilis case. In his first examination (1912) Sikorsky, with reference to the French historian-Slavist A. Leroy-Beaulieu, called the alleged ritual killings ' racial revenge, or vendetta of the sons of Jacob` against subjects of a different race.