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LOT 192:

The Manuscript Of Marietta Shahinian. Trip to Switzerland. The Swiss about Lenin.

Vendu pour: 7 000р
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1 000 р
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7.11.20 à The Arc

The Manuscript Of Marietta Shahinian. Trip to Switzerland. The Swiss about Lenin.
On 7 separate leaves of 10 x 14.5 cm in size, all the sheets are written on one side. One thousand nine hundred seventy three

Marietta S. Shahinyan (arm. Մարիետա սերգեյի շահինյան; March 21 [April 2] 1888, Moscow, - March 20, 1982, ibid.) - Soviet writer of Armenian origin, poet and novelist, art critic, journalist, historiographer.

Hero of Socialist Labor (1976), corresponding member of the Armenian SSR. Winner of the Stalin prize of the third degree (1951) and Lenin prize (1972).

Marietta Shahinyan was born in Moscow in the Armenian family of Privat-associate Professor of Moscow state University (1860-1902) Sergey (Sarkis) Davydovich Shahinyan and his wife Pepronia Yakovlevna (1867-1930).

She received a full home education, studied in a private boarding school, then-in the gymnasium Rzhevskaya. In 1902-1903 she studied at the Catherine girls ' gymnasium in Nakhichevan-on-don. In 1906-1915 she collaborated in the Moscow press. In 1912 she graduated from the historical and philosophical faculty of the Higher women's courses of V. I. Guerrier. In the same year she visited St. Petersburg, met and became close to Z. N. Gippius and D. S. Merezhkovsky. In 1912-1914 she studied philosophy at Heidelberg University. In the years 1915-1919 M. S. Shaginyan was a correspondent of the Newspapers "Azov region", "black sea coast", "Labor speech", "Craft voice", "Caucasian word", "Baku".

In 1915-1918 she lived in Rostov-on-don, taught aesthetics and art history at the local Conservatory.

Shahinyan enthusiastically accepted the Great October socialist revolution, which she perceived as an event of a Christian-mystical nature. In 1919-1920 he worked as an instructor of Donkarasu and Director of 1st spinning and weaving school. Then she moved to Petrograd, in 1920-1923 she was a correspondent of "Izvestia of the Petrograd Soviet" and a lecturer at the Institute of art history. In 1922-1948 she worked as a special correspondent of Pravda newspaper and at the same time as a special correspondent of Izvestia newspaper for several years. In 1927 she moved to Armenia, where she lived for five years. Since 1931 she lived in Moscow.

In the 1930s she graduated from the Planned Academy of Gosplan named after V. M. Molotov (studied Mineralogy, spinning and weaving, energy), worked as a lecturer, weaving instructor, statistician, historiographer in Leningrad factories, spent the years of the great Patriotic war in the Urals as a correspondent of the newspaper "Pravda". In 1934, at the First Congress of Soviet writers, she was elected a member of the Board of the USSR joint venture.

A. Shcherbakov wrote to Molotov in a letter dated September 21, 1935: "in an interview with me Shaginyan said:" you arranged Gorky so that he does not need anything, Tolstoy receives 36 thousand rubles a month. Why am I not arranged the same way?"... " .

For several years she was a Deputy of the Moscow city Council. Doctor of Philology (1941, received a degree for a book about Taras Shevchenko). Member of the CPSU (b) since 1942. Corresponding member of the Academy of Sciences of the Armenian SSR (1950).

In the New world No. 2, 1954, critic Mikhail Lifshits published a pamphlet entitled" Marietta Shahinyan's Diary", devoted to the analysis of her just published diary. After reading the manuscript in late 1953, Twardowski told Lifshitz "You don't know what you wrote!". Lifshitz replied: "I Know and can imagine even some consequences." This publication caused a great scandal in the literary world.

She died on March 20, 1982 in Moscow. She was buried in the Armenian cemetery (a branch of the Vagankovo cemetery).

She was engaged in literary activity since 1903. She began with symbolist poems. She has published over 70 books of novels, novellas, short stories, essays, poems and about 300 printed sheets of articles, reviews, reports. Published books poems "the First meeting" (1909), "Orientalia" (1913, '7 editions), then books narratives "Narrow gates" (1914), "Seven conversations" (1915). At that time, the public put her above the then Marina Tsvetaeva.

At the same time, Marietta Shahinyan became interested in the work of Goethe, and in 1914 she went to Weimar for 10 days. "This journey, ten days before August 1, 1914, was the last stage of culturalist idolatry; politics suddenly burst into it, " she later wrote in her diary. On the way back to Russia, while passing through Zurich, she wrote an essay book "Journey to Weimar".

In 1922-1923 she wrote and published the novel "Change". Maxim Gorky wrote to Benjamin Kaverin: "For her novel "Change" she should have eaten a sandwich with safety pins."

In the book "the Adventure of a lady from society" the writer shows a change in the consciousness of the Russian intelligentsia under the influence of the great October socialist revolution. In 1923-1925, under the pseudonym "Jim Dollar" published a series of propaganda and adventure stories "Mess-Mende", which had a great success. In 1928 she published a kind of literary work - "novel-complex "" K and K "(stands for "Witch and Communist"), which combined different genres- " from poem to report."

In 1930-1931 she wrote the novel "Hydrocentral", which was the result of her years spent on the construction of dzorages.

As Lev Kolodny noted: "for more than twenty years M. Shaginyan's book" the Ulyanov Family "was withdrawn from libraries, and she herself, according to her confession, " suffered a lot"because she discovered the Kalmyk origin in the genus of Lenin's father, which was used by the German-fascist Newspapers in 1937."

During the great Patriotic war M. S. Shaginyan published a book of journalistic articles "Ural in defense" (1944), in the postwar years — the book "on the roads of the five-year plan". M. S. Shaginyan wrote works dedicated to the works of T. G. Shevchenko, I. A. Krylov, I. V. Goethe, Nizami, Y. Myslivecek etc. At the end of his life wrote a memoir, "Man and time". Literary portraits of W. Blake, S. V. Rachmaninoff, V. F. Khodasevich, G. B. Yakulov.

Systematically opposed the reforms of the Russian language: at the symbolist salon Merezhkovsky against the reform of 1918, and in 1964 against the reform project with these words: "twenty years I bought bread in a bakery on the right side of the Arbat, and why would I now go to the left?»

Shahinyan's literary opportunism has repeatedly been the subject of ridicule by writers and critics:

...of course, there will always be people like Marietta Shahinian, which began with the fact that he wrote poems:

That night from the Caspian to the Nile

There is no virgin, I am more fragrant,

and she ended up with a book in honor of Beria, and the fact that she read Lenin all night. Gaito Gazdanov. Speech on radio "Freedom". 8/9 January 1971.