Subasta 73 Parte 2 Books and autographs
Por The Arc
Moscow, embankment of Taras Shevchenko, d. 3, Rusia
Poetry, Academia, individual volumes
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Lelyavsky B. N. Night songs in Galicia. The people of the Carpathian-Russian.

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Lelyavsky B. N. Night songs in Galicia. The people of the Carpathian-Russian.
Lion. Author's edition. 1927 52 p. Soft cover, size 11.5 x 16.5 cm. Condition: closer to good, cover dirty, spine and 1 page torn
The first and only poetic book by Boris Nikolaevich Lelyavsky (1886-1935) - a statesman, political and public figure, a member of the right faction of the IV state Duma, who emigrated to Galicia after the revolution. In his poems, he denounced the Austrian atrocities in Western Ukraine during the first world war. It is known That lelyavsky's poetic and Patriotic work was popular with contemporaries and critics.
The Lelyavsky Boris (22.07.1886—5.11.1935). Member of the IV state Duma from Volyn province. (FP; non-partisan group). From a noble family, the son of the chief of the Kiev district of Railways. He graduated from the course of the Imperial school of law (1908). Court adviser (1913), a large landowner (in undivided possession with his brothers and sisters — about 6 thousand des. land in Volyn, Kiev, Kaluga and Ekaterinoslav provinces.). in 1908-1910 in the service of the office of the Kiev, Podolsk and Volyn Governor-General. In 1909, he was appointed Zaslavsky leader of the nobility. Since 1910, an official Of the Department of General Affairs at the Ministry of internal Affairs. Since 1914, the leader of the nobility of the Volyn province. Since 1915, he has been the Chairman of the Volyn regional Council. He spoke on the food issue, being an opponent of hard prices, which, in his opinion, kill private initiative. He was the Secretary of the Duma Commission on police reform (1915). Member of the PC (1913). During the first world war, he was a member of the gubernia. meetings on food business, a member of the loan Committee for assistance to the population affected during the war, a member of the Volyn branch Of the Committee of the Grand Duchess Tatiana Nikolaevna for temporary assistance to victims of war, comrade. Chairman of the Volyn Department of the all-Russian society for the care of refugees. No later than 1915, while remaining right-wing, he joined a non-party group. After the revolution, he was on the territory of the Volyn province. as a Commissioner of the EKGD. Under Hetman P. p. Skoropadsky refused the positions of Kiev Governor and Minister of agriculture offered to him. He emigrated to Galicia, which became part of the newly formed independent Poland. Active in defense of the Orthodox faith in Poland. He was engaged in journalism, an employee of the magazine "At the turn". In 1930, he was elected as a lay representative to the all-Polish local Council. In 1930-1935, he was General Secretary of the pre-Council Assembly of the Orthodox Church in Poland. He died in 1935 in Lviv from heart failure.