Auction 15 Special Sale on 2th of Sivan - Rare Books from Slavita and Zitamir Prints
By Tiferet Auctions
May 24, 2020
HaShenhav Building, 12 Beit Hadfus st , Jerusalem, Israel

Unique, high quality sale! "The Wolf Collection" - includes only books from the Slavita and Zitamir prints, which are extremely rare. All in good and excellent condition.

This auction also includes these particularly important items:

1. First Exposure of Radvil Sidur, Nosach Sfarad. One of two copies known to exist in the entire world.

2. A special collection of some fifty rare books printed in zitamir in small and miniature sizes.

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LOT 1:

Sefer 'Be'er Mayim Chaim' by the Holy Rabbi Chaim of Chernovitz, two volumes, Zhytomyr 1860.

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Sold for: $2,000 (₪7,063)
Start price:
$ 1,500
Buyer's Premium: 23%
VAT: 17% On commission only
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Auction took place on May 24, 2020 at Tiferet Auctions

Sefer 'Be'er Mayim Chaim' by the Holy Rabbi Chaim of Chernovitz, two volumes, Zhytomyr 1860.
Sefer 'Be'er Mayim Chaim' by the Holy Rabbi Chaim of Chernovitz, Zhytomyr 1860.
Magnificent Sefer on Torah according to Chassidut, two volumes bound together.
Zhytomyr 1860, by the partners grandchildren of the Rav of Slovita.

Part One, Breishit [1], 294 apges, Part two, Shemot – Devarim [1], 330 pages.  Very good condition(Relatively excellent).   
Ownership signature: 'אברהם באראש שו"ב ומוהל מומחה' (Avraham Barash Shub and Mohel Mumche).
Timeworn ownership signature a little faded, 'Chaim Yosef ben Yehuda Leib…of Vitebsk?.

24 cm. Original antique binding. good condition.

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